

Dear gentleman,

Along the way you are still glowing, you are more handsome anytime you pass on this road I remember that day.My handbag dropped down, you were too quick to pick it up.I remember your smile very well , I had a crush on you.

You meant it am sure , it was more than picking up the handbag .I tell you , I still have a crush on you.Your mode of dressing enthusiases me . Your smile is natural, I hate any girl staying around you.
I know am your EX-CRUSHIE . You always pass on the same road I use to go my place.Dear gentleman come pick up my handbag and give me your number.Come let's take a snap.
Where did you go?I don't see you anymore.Maybe you crushed on somebody else.Oh no!! Did you even crush on me.?
© @faith.writer254