

Chapter -4 ( novel )
The truth

" where am I" Bella said

" you blacked out last night .And i looked for your sister everywhere but i couldn't find her .So i brought you here in my house." Gerald said

" oh my god what time is it? " Bella said

" its 5 in the morning" Gerald said

" My parents must be so worried .oh god I shouldn't have drank that much." Bella said

" Well I shouldn't have touched your phone but I called your parents from your phone and they are coming to get you" Gerald said

" From how long have I been here " Bella said

" you have been here from 4 hours" Gerald said

" then why my parents are coming now to get me" Bella said

" Because I called them few minutes ago" Gerald said

" oh god they are gonna be so angry with me" Bella said

"Don't worry Its not your fault. Your sister left you alone in that club" Gerald said

"My head is still hurting can you bring me some medicines" Bella said

" I can't go out" Gerald said

" why" Bella said

" I just can't . Your parents are gonna be here in any minute so just wait" Gerald said

" okay well thanks you just saved me from getting embarrassed in the club " Bella said

"Do you remember you puked on me?" Gerald said

" oh god I am so sorry" Bella said

" sorry is not enough" Gerald said

" So what can I do for you " Bella said

" you have go on a date with me tonight" Gerald said

" I just don't do the date thing" Bella said

" OK let's not call it a date. Will you hang out with me tonight" Gerald said

" I will think about it " Bella said

" 987******* it is my number. Text me if you wanna meet." Gerald said

" My parents are here I just saw their car from your window" Bella said

" Well goodbye for now." Gerald said

[ In the cab ]

"Dad I am so sorry. I will never do it again" Bella said

After hours of getting scolded I am in the hotel now. I wanna kill Rebekah for leaving me in the club but I am gonna stay calm.

" Hey Bella are you okay?" Rebekah said

" You are so bad you left me there. Thank god Gerald was there" Bella said

" I am so sorry.. Well did you two do something you both spent the night together"

" oh god shut up Rebekah" Bella said

I don't know if i should go to meet him or not I am really nervous. Why is he giving me so much attention?. There is nothing special in me. It is 7 in the evening now. I am still confuse whether I should text him or not.

[ In the cave]

John: where were you the whole day?

Gerald: I was in the hotel. I took Bella there she was drunk. So as soon as the sun gone down I came here.

John: did you get any information out of her?

Gerald : yeah when she was drunk I asked her about her family. And she said her parents seem really weird to her.

John: that means we are right they belong to the witch family that made us Dracula.

Gerald: I asked her to meet me tonight. So if she came then we will kidnap her.

Tyrion: But aren't they on a vacation here . we also need there family ' s ancient piece of jewelry in order to break this curse.

Gerald : First we need to kidnap them then we ask one of them to bring there Jewelry from there town.

( Hello guys if you liked it then give. your feedbacks and do read the previous chapters to understand the whole story)