

Lost in the Dark
He stumbled through the darkness trudgeing through the debris as he went deeper in to the old forgotten ruins. suddently a hand brushes
along his neck, someones watching me he thought.

As he got lost deeper in thought, reaching down he felt a plank of wood, he raised it and set it on fire useing the last match he had in his satchel. The area around was desolate, just an enormous room built out of a a dark array of stones and vines. he brushed his hands along the wall for an exit and to his suprise a stone that he had pushed slid open a slab crawl space. Carefully he entered...

A loud scream could be made out in the distance, yet he still continued his path. then in the crawl space a second person or creature could be heared crawling with a spider like speed. Quickening his pace he managed to escape the devilry that lay behind and he shut the space behind him by jamming a large stone into the gap. The creature shrieked from behind the stone.

Continueation comeing

by Sean og F