

Chapter 9

I was awoken by Eric's voice,he was singing  songs I hadn't heard of and didn't care about.

‘so you finally woke up, sleeping beauty’ Eric teased

‘after the journey and all I deserved a little rest’ I replied

‘yeah,sure blame it at the innocent journey’ Eric said as he headed for the door.

I rolled my eyes at him, didn't even bother to answer him before I asked.‘you're a fresher here too right’?

‘yup,so I'll see in class then’ Eric said before heading out.

We had our small bathroom in the room, something I was very happy about...after taking a shower, I put on the uniform that was already prepared for me before I arrived,toke my note with me and headed for my first class.


I arrived at the classroom were my lecture was to be held,I saw people my age seated, talking and laughing. I saw Ella with some group of girls talking at one corner of the class, I waved at her as our eyes locked,she smiled at me acknowledging my wave as I spotted Eric waving for me to come sit on a free seat close to him,which I did.

‘I guess everyone must be seated by now’ a young man probably in his mid twenties said as walked towards the podium at the front of the class before he continued,‘to fully understand where we are now,we have to know where we came from, I am professor Herbert Gray, and I'll be taking your history and basic knowledge classes’.

‘Now to what we'll be discussing today, the three kingdoms that make up our half of the continent’ he walked towards the wall where the board was and wrote on it,Tartus, Asterix, and Ethum. ‘They were once part of a united kingdom before the great war’ he continued teaching as I wrote down what he said.‘After the sudden death of the overlord, that was what ruler of the kingdom was called as at then’ he said as he walked forward and sat on the edge of the higher platform where the podium was. ‘the three fractions wanted to produce the next overlord but there could only be one, so the great war broke out’.

‘Now to explain the differences between the three fractions, the Ethumites were shifters,they were able to manipulate mana in other shift there bodies into very powerful creatures, not all of them were able to completely transform,most of them were only capable of half transformation. Next was the Asterians they had a very small mana sources,they were not able to store huge amount of mana responsible for spell casting or shifting,so they relied on what they called mediums, when they had charged their mana sources,they released it little by little into the medium, mostly the form of staffs and let out a very dangerous violent blast. For we Tartans all we needed to do was to allow mana in the various channel inside our body,be observant of our surrounding,cast out spells according to our element’.

‘That's it for today’ professor Herbert said as he prepared to leave.‘Before I forget,we will be talking about the great war in our next class,so your assignment will be to find out names of people that did great things during that period’ he said before finally leaving.

My next class was Mana Formation,Eric and Ella didn't have to take this class since they already had their mana channels and element.

I took my note and headed to the open field where we will be having our class. We were close to thirty people taking the class,we all sat on the grass waiting for our professor to arrive.

I could see a young woman walking towards us, unlike Herbert Gray that came with notes,she came without any book or sort.

‘Hello students,I am professor Narine and I'll be talking on our to form your Mana channel today’ she said as she sat down in front of us.‘although you all have been accepted into this academy’ she continued.‘if you are unable to form your Mana channel within the next two weeks,you will be sent back home’.

‘For we mages, we are born with mana core within us, and are expected to fill the core with mana gotten our surrounding. Once our core is full mana burst out from the core and spreads within us through channels that are created when filling your core. Mana is constantly in motion’ our professor explained.

‘How do we fill our mana core’ a girl from behind me asked.

‘Well, that's pretty simple’ professor Narine said,‘all you need is constant meditation, sense the mana around you and gather it to your core near your solar plexus,which you ought to have started since when you were ten and completely form your channel after two years, but none the less the core slowly gathers mana when you're twelve so it shouldn't take long to be filled’

‘Now for the rest of the class,we will be concentrating on forming your mana channel, everyone take a meditating form’ prof. Narine said as I tuned her out and began to focus on the mana around me.

I could feel the mana around me the problem was gathering it,it was harder than I thought, I guess it will take a while before I'll be able to form my mana channel.

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