

♡ You are Worthy ♡
You are Worthy. Don’t listen to what the enemy says. I have been working on you your whole life. I know you have felt like you have been cast aside. You have been so lonely and “in the dark” about what I am doing within you. You have faced battles you didn’t see coming. They hurt your heart deeply. You felt like you have been sitting alone with no one to confide in. No one who understands what I am doing in your life. You feel like you have been in the fog, you can’t see, you are struggling to find your way through the darkness like you are in a deep forest. There are bushes, thickets and shrubs in your way, and you can’t see where you are going. It’s all up hill, you are struggling to get your footing for your next step. You cry out in the night for the Lord…and I am there.

You have learned to seek Me in the Secret Place. I’ve been with you the whole time. There were many times the enemy whispered lies in your ear saying that I didn’t love you and had abandoned you, but I have been watching over you every single moment. I have been preparing you while you have been in the darkness. There has been fog so thick you couldn’t see where to go. But then here I come, shining My light with the morning sunrise and My rays of sunshine dispels the fog and you finally have a clear picture of where you are. You are not where you used to be. You have climbed a fierce mountain and faced the fiery darts of the enemy from every direction. In your fright, you called out My name, but I had never left you. I strengthened you every step of the way. You used muscles you didn’t know you had and you are emerging exactly what I need you to be.

I have been preparing you for the purpose for which I created you. I have a higher calling on your life even more than you think but I can’t give it to you prematurely. The weight of it would crush you. I know what is best and I only want the best for you. No one can take away what I have for you. If you think I would give your promise away to another, you are wrong. That is a lie of the enemy. I would not put this much time and effort into preparing you for you to not receive the promise. You are almost ready to receive it and it will be glorious. You will have a new perspective, new excitement, joy unspeakable, a new zeal and an enthusiasm that will be contagious to everyone you meet. A moment with Me is never wasted. Your finish line is up ahead. During your journey, spread My love, My joy, My hope and My goodness to those who have none. Be My Hand extended to the world. You are Worthy! The best is yet to come !!