

Thoughts are too much
Life becomes easier when you don't have to worry about anything and just take one step at a time, but this doesn't mean you have to be idle, lazy, or stagnant. Write your views and share a story with us.
We cannot insist that life should always be happy because real life begins where hope and joy end. Life is a puzzle not everyone can win it. In life, it is impossible not to think about anything because it is a god given ability for humanbeings. Do not worry about every single thing in life as it will only do more harm than good.
In one place lived a poor farmer. He was lived with his wife and 3 children.His main hobby is to think about something at every time.He thought about how to treat their children good, how to get them married, how to build a good house, how to earn more money from farming etc.
Once the land was flooded. His farm and house were all destroyed. He sat and cried. His wife reassured him.
He said that i was thinking that to build a nice house, to improve the farm little bit but everything was lost. His wife said that your thoughts are the real problem. You forget to act when only you thought. That's when he realized his own mistake.
So don't forgot your own things and live happily thinking only of the things you need instead of living a lot of thinking.
© Young_author