

the journey
Growing up in the village has so many disadvantages, you are deprived of so many opportunities. Maya was the third child in a family of seven children of Simon's second wife. The first wife just took off and left five children, I always wonder why maybe she was fed up of rural life where by there is not much to do but do homestead errands. Maya's mother stepped in to her husband's children as the Mother. I guess she was battling to look after them all but she did not have a choice, she could not walk out of this marriage she would become the talk of the village. Sometimes life is not fair, the less privileged suffer a lot😔. It is like you become the receiver of all bad things.

Maya was a different child from all of them, she was self made, a hard worker, ambitious, eager and determined. The primary school where she went was far from her home. They walked daily to and from bare feeted and on a dusty Rocky gravel road. She did not see the problem with that because that was the only life style she knew. At school she was the top student, She completed her primary level now she was wondering if she was ever going to continue with her education. Maybe her parents would make her sell vegetables like her step siblings. Her family was to large for one provider, worse a mine worker. Her school head teacher had listed her under best students bursaries list. She was praying day and night to get this bursary. Her wish was to get educated. Get a job, work and raise money to start a project that would benefit her village. The village man who distributes mail passed by throwing a letter in her name, when she opened the letter she could not contain herself, she git the bursary. Her parents were more than relieved because they were so much stressed wondering what they were going 5with her since they did not have any finances. She was the promising child in the family, others were medium, they were attending the local secondary school which was very far double the distance of the primary school.
The year ended and January came when she had to pack a few clothing and heard to the new school that will help her make her family better. Ever since she was born she had never left her village, it was her first long and exciting trip to take and mostly ezxing about it was to meet new people, make new friends, live better with priorities. The bus cam to fetch them as a group of students by the big city hall. They were many, she knew no one but before the bus came she had made friends, She was going to a boarding school that was far form. Her vilaage and far from the cities just located it the bushes. The time they got to the school it was laye afternoon and when the bus approached the school she could not wait to explore the buildings.

They were other schools kids already waiting for them. The bus stopped and a tall bald, dark man stepped in accompanied by a big size lady with big afro hair. They introduced themselves. As the boarding Master Mr Nare and the Matron Miss Eliza which was short for Elizabeth. They had a list of all children in the bus and as the call their names they as them to step out and be on the que to collect luggage.
She was so excited to see where she will be sleeping. Her name. Was called she stepped out, qued for her luggage and waited to be ushered to the hostels. The matron showed them dormitories, they were share in twos. The room was neat with two single beds side by side, a locker and closet and a long list of rules types neatly. The matron told them to settle in if the bell rings they have to come down to the dining hall for super. They must follow seniors.
Dinner was so amazing, something she never saw in her life. They were served pasta (macaroni) with side vegetables and grilled piece of chicken. Back in the village she used to only eat chicken feet or intestines because the family was too large.
She ate and left the plate clean and as they walked out of the dining hall they were handed oranges. She could not believe these amazing service that she had no idea they existed.

She took a shower and went to bed. Sunday was going to be a preparation day for Monday first day at high school, a boarding school for that matter, she could not believe it that she made it to a bursary. Sunday morning they were waken by a loud sounding bell to go and bath and go straight to the dining hall for porridge. After the porridge the matron came to address them and delivered toiletries, sheets for changing beds on weekend, ten o'clock the bell went on again for real Breakfast which was tea, thick slice of bread with butter and a boiled egg. It was like royalt to her she enjoyed her breakfast. The other Two meals followed at a gazatted time lunch at 13:00hrs and dinner at 18:00 hours. Bed time came and the big day for lessons was to follow. She wS so excited and at the same time wondering how lessons are.done here.

Monday she woke up before the bell went on, She was just too excited and hungry for prosperity, She wanted her dream to come true. She was placed in A'class, her class teacher was Mrs Raangs from Holland. Her accent was so difficult to understand, She liked her from first glance. Mrs Raangs introduced the subjects that they were going to learn. She wondered how she will cope learning eight different subjects. She introduced subjects teachers to them and lessons were to begin the following day

She went back to the dormitories with a, mountain of books. Lessons begun and she quickly adjusted to change classes per subject and got used to a different mode of learning. Not too long she was settled and well aware of all the subjects. It was so exciting to learn different things here and different teachers.
The year ended and another followed within a short space of time she was done with high school. Her dream was to study Agriculture Studies so she could fulfill her project dreams. The results came out extremely well, she passed with a dinstition and Agriculture College accepted her. With the college it was different she waa expected to pay half the tuition fees and the bursary half.
First year was good and second year was battling. Her family had no funds to pay the tuition fees. She had relatives who could help but they were too envy to help her. She tried other financial aids and failed. She could see her dream slips away. She got stuck, stuck with no fees. She had to find ways to survive and carry on with her studies. As the years passed the tuition fees went higher. She realised she would not make it. She was angry and so disappointed. She started a small farming project of vegetables, mealies etc. At first it did well and sustained her family. She realised dark shadow was following her her dream was crushing, The river dried up and the products dried up.
When she was hopeless her aunt from Botswana offered to help her find a project in Botswana. The idea lit up her face to know that she will. Soon be back on track. She was going to work at a cooperative group. It was a big farm, doing mixed farming, they were pigs, Angoran goats, dairy cows, and a variety of plants. She was so determined to make it work, she owed it to herself. All went well paper work was sorted very quickly and she started a new journey of her life. It waa so exciting and she was so dedicated to the projects. She started everything from scratch since the project has no proper management. She arranged every project well, she created jobs for citizens, she trained more youth she just became everything the project really wanted.
Everything was moving smoothly and she enjoyed to watch the results of her hard work.
Her family was now depending on her. She made sure that they got everything they needed. Years passed and progress grew. She slept peaceful knowing that she has achieved something in life.
Her aunt was starting to be jealous of her progress as her own children were not working and they did not want hard labor. Jealous started to brew and stir in their hearts, they bacame mean on her and the subject of a foreigner has taken our job started. I wonder how was it their job in the first place the project was disfunction al, there was no commitment😥😏. There was no management. They wanted to get her out of the project because it was grown and well-known and profiting. They schemed to take over her as a community though some of the community members reminded each other that before Maya this project was sinking. This is how things turn when you help people when all is smooth and well. They threatened to get her deported back to her country. You know most people have no vision. They could not revive the project till an outsider came in with ideas. Now they want to take her hard work and pretend it's theirs.
Her life was at risk now because at a point they broke in her house and stole lots of items. Police could not help at all.
Maya was so stressed now she thought am going to be back on Square one after so much work, so much commitment, so much passion and love she put to lift up this project. Her family back home asked her to come back rather, you can not fight for anything it is not your country.
Some community members were sad when she told them she is leaving, some were happy they got what they wanted. The question is are they going to manage. 'Greed is not a good thing :
, She packed and left and went back to the village. Evil eyes were happy to see her back. What I know is if you are a self made woman you will never give up. You will work up and dust your self.
So did Maya. She got a job as a receptionist at a chines clinic, they could not speak English well so she was the face of the business, she did everything for them. Administration work bookings etc. She settled in her new job and started working like she was born to work in an office. She wS enjoying her job but she was some how not really happy she like out door work physically involvement.
She carried her duties exceptionally. Her boss was impressed she was helping them. More than expected. Years passed and her work grew and progressed well.
It was end of year bonuses in 2000 her boss approached her with an envelop and handed it to her and told her it's all yours we are leaving to America we got green cards. She got so puzzled and ask what do you mean? He explained we are leaving the country this envelope has what you will use to carry on living.
With shacky hands she opened the envelope there was a cheque of P50000. Back then this was a huge amount. She could not believe her eyes, you can start a small business for yourself thus the least I can do the Boss said (Mr Hu) she took a big sigh and sat down she could not believe what her eyes were looking at and what her ears heard.

She sent good news to her family they were happy for her. Her mind was set into starting an import business (Japanese cars) it was a very ideal business. She did al the requirements needed to start the business. She started with 2 cars and they and the number kept increasing. She bacame well-known she had clients coming to buy from neighbor countries. Her business was flourishing, she employed sales man, She had competitors but males, she was the only lady in this kind of business so it made her business centre of attraction, they were impressed.

Maya was still single at 24 never dated, she met a guy at her niece's wedding, it was a simple guy with nothing, he was an administration worker at a mine, He was a nice guy, simple down dressed. She had no reason not to try dating she gave the guy a chance. He was really committed maybe he was interested in her well up life an independent lady. They dated for a year and wedded they were happy very happy. In laws liked Maya too unconditional. They got a baby girl (Asah) in two years time they got a boy (Mel) life was good and simple for them. They were in. Love, they were seen together everywhere. BUSINESS GREW and they were living a very comfortable life. Trust sometimes is. Not enough in a relation. Maya trusted her husband with her everything. She let him run the business independently. When she met him he did not have anything. She had no proper clothes besides the fact that he was still a young man. He met him when he was a drinker and smoker. I guess that is where he was spending his salary. He had safety boots as shoes, formal pants with a cris and a green short sleeve shirt. Shame you could tell he was broke yet employed, but it makes sense he was the first born in his family probably his salary was helping to maintain by his family. Things changed for hia family too since their son was now having a stable life. They used to travel overseas for holidays and business deals. He had turned to. A very handsome guy even eyed by high profile business ladies. But unfortunately for them he was off market he was a family man. He loved his family whole heartedly. Their love was un breakable.
I really wonder what went wrong as Zweli started habits of coming home late, have excuses for family weekends. Maya could tell these are the works of another woman in her husband's life. She confronted him but he just said It work keeping him. Since they were planning to expand. Little did Maya know that her husband was trying to open his private business without her knowledge using their joint money. He had borrowed Xtra money from the bank using their house and business as collateral. Maya was in the dark until a letter was delivered from the court the bank was suing them for bridge of loan payment terms and condition. She was out of words, she went numb, her body heated up she sank on the chair. She wondered why her husband would be so selfish after giving him full control of their business. Greedines do not yield any good results. He could not explain why he did what he did, because there was no valid reason.. Maya lost all her hard work over night, she had no business, no house as they were to be auctioned to emburse the loan that her husband had taken behind her back. She could not believe it, she was left with no choice but to take her kids to the in laws so she could look for a job. Zweli went and stayed with a friend and became their worker in their business. He could not even request if Maya could stay with them too. She saw his true colors of her husband on this day. When she took the children to the in laws they told her they can only keep the children not her. When you have nothing to offer to people you become a nuisance to them. She was lost, she didn't know how and where to start. She told her Cousin Martha the sad news. She sympathized with her and offered her to come to South Africa and look for work. She helped her get a visa and when she arrived she as well assisted her to get the temporary work permit and she got a job at a butchery. She was employed as a general worker for six months and her employer saw her potential and promoted her to a stock controlling job. She was good at it, She was a natural learner. Things were getting better and she needed to fetch her children. She travelled back home to fetch her children and when she saw them they were so happy she did not want to sleep over as she was chased the last time she dropped children. She prepared to leave that afternoon. Her transport money was limited now traveling with the children she needed Xtra cash, but where was she going to get it from? She managed to cross the border and her cousin helped her with transport money to carry on to her destination Durban.

She arrived well and now she had a task to put the kids up for school. There was an organisation's helping displaced people they did a letter for her to get the school place for her children and she did find a place they were happy, but she had no money to buy school necessities, the organization a deal with the school supplies and she got uniforms. She was staying in a shelter with fourteen ladies and eight children. It was a one and a half bedroom, the living room was converted to a bedroom with beds side by side, the shelter had no water running system, they were fetching water by buckets. They were getting food donations from different organisation's and clothing sometimes and toiletries. The head of the organisation's had given Maya six months to balance and find a place for herself. Her salary was like nothing. It could not cover all Expense at all.

One of the babies in the shelter got sick of TB. The place was just too crowded. One of the sponsors of the shelter offered Maya to find a place to stay she was going to help with rent for six months. She was so fortunate to get such help, She really got all the support she never expected.
© fiction