

As A Nigerian maybe (African)
As a Nigerian we wake up to very distinctive sounds,
the never ending sound of a chicken,
the annoying sound of cars you don't own, or the most unwanted but most disturbing sound, our mothers.
"I'm sorry,but it's true"

The next is morning devotion, or morning prayers for the Muslims, or absolutely none, for those who do not care.
Next is a straight dive into chores, this is the part I hate,😢😭 and I think I speak for most of us.
Chores are never ending pain, more frustrating than a crying child, I could literally go on and on discussing my strong hate for chores, and if you dare me, I could even write a poem on it, but not today...

After chores we cook, and it's either yours or someone else's turn.
when it's my turn I'm always at the verge of tears and when it's someone else's I can't help but sit back and be "taking care of".
Anywho ........
© deola_amope