

I'm still heartbroken
He doesn't think I know what he did,what his friends did but when his revenge comes he'll be more than sorry.
Chapter 1: The dare
Hey dude, are you gonna ask out Shelby to the dance? I don't know Ehtan I want this dance to be good and isn't it a little rude to prank her like that? Come on Luka don't be such a wimp you've done it before. Yeah,Ethan because you say if I don't do it I'm a wimp and a loser and stuff like that I'm not a bully like you I'm nice to people. Okay but as your friend I need to teach you how to be a little more mean to people. I don't wanna be like you Ethan you're rude and a liar and a cheater I don't even wanna be your friend anymore. Oh but Luka you have to be or else I'll post that video of you doing that thing at Ally's party.
You know what Ethan I don't wanna talk to you anymore not today. Okay but you're asking out Shelby and when the dance comes fifty pounds of paint will be dropped all over her.
Bye,Ethan I'll see you tomorrow I'm not I'm the mood for you right now. I don't care what mood you're in Luka I am not about to lose my popularity because you wanna be nice to people. Ok I didn't ask whether you cared about my mood or not just leave me alone. Gladly, see you tomorrow Luka. Yeah whatever Ethan and lose my number cause after high school me and you are done.
The Next Day
Hey Shelby I know that we don't talk much but I was wondering if you want to go to the dance with me? Uh yeah, sure Luka I would love to go to the dance with you. Great I'll see you Friday night beautiful.
Shelby's POV: I liked Luka since I was in the fifth grade her never talked to me but he was handsome and everyone talked about how he was so nice so that made me like him even more and he asked me to the dance I'm so happy now maybe we'll even start dating I have to tell Abby about this.