

A Future of Choice
I'm ready. " I mutter softly into an almost completely empty room. The only things inside other than myself, are three clean canvases waiting to show a story. One of the past, the present, and empty to the future.

Bringing the paint brush to the first canvas I start to paint a mountain with a path and a little girl at the bottom. As I move on to the next canvas you can see the little girl climbing the steep, rough path showing that she struggles, and continues to struggle. At the last canvas, which should potentially be empty, you can see the young girl, bruised and battered with all her challenges standing at the edge of the path, which meets the edge of a cliff.

I stop and pause looking up at the roof thinking 'Is this really the future I see for myself'. A soft smile begins to grow on my face as I think of all the times I've enjoyed with the people in my life, and how I would miss them, how I treasure them. A lone tear makes its way out of my tired eyes, and I paint a smaller, barely visible bridge to the other side of the cliff where you can see figures of people waiting for the small girl.

© Akki42