

"Sorry babe. I really need to practice, you know it's our competition this week."

I understand.

"Sorry babe. Can we go out next time? I need to rest babe, I am really tired."

I understand.

"Happy anniversary!" I greeted him and kiss him on the lips, I can see that he is shock in my presence.

I surprised him since he can't do it because he is really busy with the competition. He hug me but I can't feel the security.

"Happy anniversary!" I smile because atleast we greeted each other.

"We will go to the bar babe with my friends."

I let you even though you have no time for me. I let you while dancing with some girls.

"Please don't disturb me I am playing!"

I let you even if I need your time with me, I want you playing with me.

I don't want to demand.

I smile bitterly while looking at him when another girl, I'm in the mall together with my friends and I didn't know he is here. I get my phone and call him. I can see how he check his phone and ignore it. I call him again until he answer it.

"Where are you? Are you resting? Are you okay?" I ask him. I can feel that there's something blocking in my throat.

"Why?" I bite my lips and my friends are looking at me.

"I j-just wanna check you.." I said while looking at him smiling to another girl.

"I am okay. Where are you?" I close my eyes and stop myself from crying.

"I was behind you looking away as you hugged her.." I can see that he is looking around. My tears flow down in my cheeks when our eyes met. "My trust? Keep breaking it and I will build it again.."

I walk away with a broken heart. Even if you keep on breaking it, I will build it again not because I am selfless it's because I really do and I love you.

© Skyler