

Fable of the Silent Son
There once was a son born to a royal family, who never spoke a word. All his life, he remained silent, his lips seemingly permanently sealed. One day, however, he spoke of a tale, one that was heard by his father, the king, who wrote down every word. Overjoyed, the king and queen didn't try to understand his words until the silent son didn't speak, or even mutter another word. They read his words, and it told a story of fire descending from the heavens and burning the world to ash after the king of sin took reign. The king and queen spread this story, telling it to their entire kingdom, and every other kingdom they could. Everyone believed the Silent Son's only words to be a prophecy. All panicked, searching for this 'king of sin', and tore each other apart in fear. Kingdoms fell, one after the other. Soon, all that was left was the Silent Son's kingdom, and even that fell, All due to fear. Everyone had failed to realize that the king of sin was themselves.
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