

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 3)
I went inside the office! Then the receptionist called me! "Mam! You're Lia! Former CEO Mr. John told me to tell you, Mr. Herman took charge of them from today! So you have to go and see him! ", I said "Okay! I'll go and see", And he said “Mam Take this file which is Mr. Herman's shedule🙂".

I took that shedule and went upstairs in the lift! I went to Mr. Herman's room (CEO's room) I said "Hello! Mr. Herman! I'm Lia! Your Personal and Professional Assistant From now on!", He said "Miss Lia! Call me Boss! Do you understand?", I said with a bit of hesitation "Babas!", He asked "What ??", I said sorry! Sorry! BOSS😰!",

He asked "Okay! What do you want",
I said "Boss! This is your schedule!", He said "Hum! Put it on this table and leave my room!", I said "Okay! Boss!", I came out of the room and I thought "Maybe something hit him in the head! That's why he always looks like this😂!",

Then I went to my cabin! After a while a call came to my cabin! I did attend and talked! "Hello! Who? What do you want?", in it "I'm Mr. Herman!", I was scared and said "Hello! Say boss!", He said "Lia! Come to my room!", Than I cut the call and went to Mr.Herman room😪!

He asked "Lia! Where is your house? ",
I asked confused "Why? Why are you asking about my house?", He said arrogantly "I'm your boss! Answer the question asked!", I said angrily "Yes! You 're my boss! Will you ask about my personal thing for that😡?",

He said "Hey! Lia, If there is any emergency work I will tell you to leave immediately to work! That's why I asked if your house was nearby! ", I said nervously “Sor.... sorry BOSS! I got it wrong! " He said "Okay! I'll be gone at seven o'clock at night! So finish your work as soon as possible! I have to sign in!"

🍀To be continued 🍀

© ms_writer_8