

What Love is All About?
~//What Love is All About?//~

Love is not about blaming the other person. Love is not about suspecting the other person unnecessarily. Love is not whining about something that's unattainable. Love is not about denying all other friends, because love comes in the form of a supreme friendship. Love is not about leashing your partner. Love is not about tagging the other person as loose character or 'Casanova'. Love is not blocking the other person every single week and unblocking him 2 days later. Love is all about keeping aside your ego, 'coz love teaches you to be more humble, more selfless and more humane! Love is much like a poetry in motion, a 'spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'! Love can also be labelled as 'emotion recollected in tranquility'. Love does not make the lovers cry each and every day. It makes the lovers happy as heaven!

Love is blind, 'coz it's all about compassion. Love is about reciprocation. Love is about care. Love is about spreading happiness all over the universe! Love is about staying with you no matter what happens! Love is based on mutual trust! As Suman Chatterjee (aka Kabir Suman) has rightly pointed out in his immortal song,

"Love is not to be won in hundreds of battles/Love is like a robber, taking away all of your achievements/Love lives and stays awake all the night like a sentry/On the tender cheeks of a blushing maiden!" (my translation)

When someone stays in your life despite all odds, it's real love. When you repeatedly hurl insults to someone and he still endures it and wants to stay with you, that's definitely love, and nothing else! If only you could ever understand that!

—Kaustav Mondal

9 April 2024
1-15 pm.

Image : Google

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