

The Road to Grace part 15
Shawn had never been happier to hear the words, "we're here."
"My roommate has something that might help you...you still feeling awful?"
"Only like death."
"Come on," Kelsey got out of her car and walked around to open Shawn's door, holding a hand out.
"I'm capable of walking, but thanks."
Kelsey still walked beside him, keeping a close eye as if he would fall over at any moment.
She turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked.
"Liz! Where you at? You here?"
"You don't have to yell."
"Oh sorry didn't see you there..."
A red haired girl sat in the middle of a black leather couch, her arms crossed looking their way.
The apartment was soft colored and almost had an instant calming effect.
"So...this is Shawn," said Kelsey, sitting next to Liz and motioning for Shawn to join her.
"The famous Shawn huh... Kelsey said you could use some of this..." She picked up a pipe, stoked with something other than tobacco.
"I'm wore out. You two...do your thing. I'm gonna take a shower. Liz be nice."
Liz bit down on her bottom lip, flicking her piercing as if holding herself back as Kelsey left the living room and down a short hall.
"First thing first. Number one rule. I always get first hit," she said sternly as she turned her lighter sideways to the pipe.
Shawn took the pipe as she held it out to him.
"I've not smoked in a long time...I don't want to get in trouble."
Liz cackled deeply, "just hit it and stop babying it. It's legal here... technically."
Shawn gave her a last glance before giving in and drawing in as much as his lungs would permit.
The sweet taste lingered on his lips, his eyes immediately feeling lazy and heavy.
"It's medical. I get it and...while she's not here let me warn you. Break her heart again and I'll make sure no one finds you. She's the best friend I've ever had. I made the mistake of setting her up with this supposed good guy I'd known...all she knows is he was jumped..."
"I'm not going to hurt her. I...were not even together...I don't think. I know this is weird. Some strange guy moving in. I don't like it anymore than you do. I'm not trouble. I've just...had some family issues."
"Don't be secretive. That irks me. She told me the whole situation. That sucks. Should I pack another bowl?"
Shawn shrugged, "I'm not here to leech off anyone..."
Liz nodded slowly, "good answer. Well smoke until she gets out of the shower. Sound good?"
"Yeah...it's up to you."
"I can smoke alot. High tolerance I guess. But it keeps me from being on actual medication. So, what kind of meds are you on?"
"I'm on seizure medicine... anxiety and depression uh...this is kind of awkward I don't usually talk about it that much."
Liz nodded, "you'll be alright. I usually keep my stash in this drawer here in this table. Just don't suck it all down. And don't give me a reason to mistrust you."
"You go to college with Kelsey?"
"Yeah. I'm going for forensics science though. Not sure why she thinks it'll be so great listening to people's problems all the time but...that's what she wants."
"Oh Lord I feel so much better. What about you, Shawn?" asked Kelsey joining them again, with wet hair and shorts and a tank top.
"Yeah I actually do. Thanks so much. Both of you."
"I'm going to take a nap...you still smoking?"
"I think I'm good... I'll just rest here."
"I'm not forcing you to the couch. Come to my room."
Shawn looked to Liz as if looking for permission, then stood following Kelsey down the hall and to the left.
The queen bed nearly took up the whole small room.
A tv hung on the wall at the foot of the bed above a slender dresser littered with papers, notebooks, school books, and pens.
Kelsey crawled to the far side of the bed, pulling the floral comforter down and motioning for him.
"This is weird." said Shawn as he gingerly got into bed.
"All of it."
"Was Liz nice? I didn't hear any yelling so that's a plus, right?"
"Yeah she's alright."
"Good. She can be a little...um... protective."
Shawn nodded as Kelsey pulled the comforter over the both of them.
"Lay down. I know you're tired."
"...yeah..." He laid on his side facing her.
"Did that help you?"
"Yeah thanks."
"I talked to her ahead of time."
"... Kelsey... I appreciate all this and don't expect you to be my keeper but, do you know what to do if I have a seizure."
"Yeah, I've taken emergency services classes. Hopefully you won't. I won't lie I'd be scared to death just because it's you."
"...Sometimes...well alot of times I want to die but I wouldn't want you to be the one to witness it."
"Don't say that. You're going to give me nightmares or...I won't be able to sleep!"
"Sorry. Too much? I just wanted you to know... just in case. I've never went this long without my seizure medicine."
"No it's not too much. I like the honesty but, things are going to get better. I promise. We'll find you a doctor here and everything."
Shawn's eyes darted to hers as he felt her grip his hand under the covers.
"Is that okay? I should've asked to touch you..."
"No," he pulled her hand back as she started to release her grip, "it's okay," and set her hand against his chest.
"You sure you're okay? Your heart is racing."
"I'll make it...feels so good to lay in a bed." he closed his eyes, wanting to open them upon hearing a small whisper.
"Thank you God."
Maybe it was for a safe trip...or finally getting to rest...or...him?
He drifted off, leaving the question unanswered for now.

"Are you following me!" Yelled Shawn as he found himself walking towards the water.
"You're the fool! You think anyone wants you?"
"Did my dad have you follow me?!"
"Just keep walking...waters a little rough today...but looks tempting doesn't it?"
Shawn wanted to stop but still his feet moved forward.
"Is that when you're going to reveal yourself? When you go in to drown me?"
A cackling came so close to Shawn's ear he spun around, thinking he had finally caught the creep.
But no one in sight.
"Don't worry about me...this is all you...all your decisions... haven't you caused this world enough pain?"
Shawn fell to his knees, feeling himself choking on the wave of salt water that crashed into him.
His arms flailed as he felt the rest of his body stuck, somehow digging further into the sand.
"You've worked with beezelbub...it's time to reap your wages."

© ScarlettFranklin