

Stop. Drink a sip just for the change.
Have you thought about the rest?
Let it be blurry. Blurriness with blending colours.
Try making them colours alive.
Take a step away from the mirror and look at yourself through the black.
The rest of the colours fade your outline away.

Are you gonna bet your life on it?
Step outside. Take a deep breath and spit your guts out.
Check your interiors blending with the blues of the sky.
I always loved these blues.
They spare me the least idea of size in a human's existence.

Now open your eyes. It's the numbness that makes your nerve endings crave for pain.
Starts off as a touch. Applying pressure to it stimulates your essence.
Kick and beat the life out of your inceptors.
Serve me the taste and paint me into the red.
© anafon