

Narrow chapter 8
Victoria woke up in a room she looked around confused she tried to stand up but realized  she was naked only the sheets covered her she started to  panic.Then she cooed her self down 

What happened  here?

She ties the bedsheet round her and stands up "Cole! Cole!  Where are you"
She looks through the entire  room but Cole seems to have vanished.

She sits down and recollects what happened  yesterday  but all she can remember  is open  up to Cole after that she's blank she feels a sharp  pain  in her temples and suddenly  she realises  some thing

It's 09:00am, school I have to go to school mom must be... 

Then again another  thought breaks her.

Who am I kidding ,no one cares.

She stands up again and searches for her clothes she can feel a stinging pain and blood dripping from her.

What's going on?

She decides to ignore the blood dripping  from her she steps into the bathroom  and washed the blood off, she believes  she's menstruating  and ignores the  fact that she already had it this month she's puts on her clothes a black trouser and purple top with a black jacket.

Cole's  scent is still on it.

Then again Cole is no where to be found. she picks up her phone which  was lying on the floor all along she dials his number,  as she checks out of the place only then did she realise it was a hotel. She began to think the worst.

What ever happened  or is happening  she wasn't liking  the looks of it

She went straight  home. Since she had her spare key it was easier for her to get home, she had this splitting  headache she attributed to last nights mental stress.  As always  her mother  was lying on the sofa asleep she was obviously  drunk. Any normal girl would tip toe into there room but not Victoria because  no one would query her.

well today was an exception.

"Victoria  where have you been?" A voice said. It was her dad, she continued walking and ignored him.

"Vee" her father said softly

"don't call me that! I'm not your vee if I was you would  have never left."
Victoria  said staring  directly at  him.

"where have you been?" he said repeating the question.

"Away from you dad.far away" a tear rolled down her eyes as she picked up her stuff  and went straight  to school  if only she knew  what awaited her.if only ,if only.

She ran on her way to school  she was already  late.she glanced at her wrist  watch.


Classes start by 10:00 she increased  her pace reluctantly.she got to school by 11:00. As she walked through  the halls people pointed at her. She already had a bad feeling  some people even said stuff she couldn't  understand, some even yelled words like 'Slut whore sexy' she began to feel uneasy till She bumped into Liliana.

Who  dragged her roughly into the girl's restroom  some whispered  hore and they gave her disgusting stares.

Liliana  wanted to say something  but Victoria  beat her to it."what's going on?"

"I should  be asking you that?"


"Didn't you see my messages?" She said almost in a whisper.

"What message?" Victoria  said confused.

"Look." she said as she stared playing a video.

Victoria's eyes widened  she couldn't  believe  her eyes tears slowly  fell down her cheeks.

It was her naked and Cole was ontop of her doing all sorts of things.

"this isn't  happening " she whispered.

"Yes it is" Elena whispered back.

"Where did you get this from?." Victoria  said still shocked.

"It's was Cole Cruz this video is viral it's all over school"  Liliana said  looking around.

  "this can't be happening" Victoria  said as tears start falling down her face.

"what were you thinking? Hooking up with Cole cruz"

That's the problem  she wasn't thinking, she let her self go for one night and this happens.

"Where is he?" Victoria said wiping her tears.

"At the shore" she suddenly  gave Victoria  a meaningful  look"what are you thinking?"

" i wanna Give him a piece of my mind"

"Are you crazy? You and I both know the shore is outside school boundaries  any thing can happen"

"any thing worse than this?" Victoria  said pointing  to the video.

"Let's go." her voice was different  it was sad, lifeless.


Liliana couldn't help but stare at Victoria the whole time.From a distance  they could see them the six of them ria Taylor Bruce Mariana  levy and now Cole.

"Wow the whore is here" Tyler said

"I bet she came to get some more" Bruce said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey cousin, whose the slut now?" Mariana said.

Liliana held Victoria's hand tightly  signaling  her that they should  leave. But not once did Victoria  move she was searching for something no someone.

Then he came. His gaze locked with hers immediately  he saw the difference  in her but he hid it. He had this smirk.

She walked up to him. Smiles.
And starts clapping,which leaves every one confused even Liliana.

"five years.  And this is what you wanted. right Tyler? to see me like that" she said pointing  to a poster.  "Bruce you too. And you my dear cousin,mommy's  favorite".

"You have what you want right you've  ruined me, good job celebrate. Mission successful."

Tears fell down Liliana  eyes it pained her how far this had gone .

"And you?" Victoria  said as she stared at Cole there were an arms length away.
Her voice was stern, mixed with a bit of emotions "I opened  up to you and you.." she said and her voice trailed  off once again she was lost in eyes struggling  to understand  why this eyes  stared at her like that with no remorse.

"You definitely  opened up to him now didn't  you?"ria joked and they all Laughed even Cole.

Victoria  came closer to Cole silence hovered everywhere. "you'll  regret this" she whispered  almost as if she didn't want him to hear.

Then she did the one thing  she never thought  she could do.  Not in a million  years, she slapped him.

"Victoria!" Liliana yelled "lets  leave now"  Liliana said noticing  the look. On Cole's face.

Victoria  turned and just when she was about  to take another  step Cole drags her back she's very close to him now. She can feel his breath. And now he whispers.

"no one slaps me and gets away with it." he throws her roughly  on the ground. 

"What will you do? you've already  done your worst."  he kneels and whispers "nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse".The crew goes "whoa"

Victoria eyes are on him, she can hear Liliana  screams to let her go so she can help her.  And Bruce's voice yelling  "screw her already"  Victoria  doesn't run or scream  for help she looks into his hoping to find the Cole she loved.but the only the feels is him peeling her clothes off her.and roughly  caressing her.

She can feel his thick breath on her skin she slowly realises she's still aching  from last night but that pain doesn't hold a candle to what  she feels now.

The one she trusts is stripping, her of her dignity in few minutes  it's over but Bruce comes along. And he's all over her again.this time she struggled tears in her eyes but she stares at Cole her eyes begging,begging him to do something  but he only stands like some statue.

Mariana's laughter  fills the air.

"whore!" she screamed she stares at Victoria. who,Right  now only has her underwear  on.

"I wonder what they saw in you,you don't even hold a candle to Liliana  ha!"

Liliana  rushes to Victoria  to help her up. Her eyes dripping tears."Victoria" she whispers..

"they'll pay for this" Victoria  whispers.

Liliana  is shattered.

Victoria  is different  her voice is emotionless empty in her eyes there isn't even compassion only hatred and rage.

they broke her,they finally  broke her.