

The City of Avah 💎 Episode 2: Across the bridge
**Roads from Lavida** 🛣️
So the young heroes set the course off towards the gates of Aranch District. It was a 3 hours drive from Eric's house. Now despite Aranch was small it was so developed and never behind technological advancement. It was a law that for every immigrants, emigrates, citizens, business men or officials that comes to Aranch you must have your car plate signed and registered in the military security software for the pass in and out of the city, That being in the understanding of Emily and Evans, they set up all hacking system ready and during the journey to the gate, They began trying to hack into the military database software for pass. The Military of Aranch isn't something that could be easily outsmarted by anyone but with great fear and anxiety, Emily and Evans decided to hack into the software from lavida to the city gates so that they could pass before the military figured out they were by passed.
hey guys are you ready it's just just 13 minutes before we approach the gates, Eden asked as he took his left towards the gate. Yea" sure, just drop us a sign when it 5 minutes to the gates so the dialogue won't be much chatting with the gate official Emily answered. It was time and Eden told them Emily clicked the Bypass button and hit straight into the software and Evans quickly uses his fingers searching for the car pass option creating a pass for their car.

**At The gates of Aranch** ⛩️
The Black tall Official at the gate approached them "Hey what you got they kids" we are taking a trip East Replied. The Black official smiled as he held his scanning device and slide it through the car plate and it beeped a green giving them a pass but he wasn't comfortable with this sudden approval because it's takes not less than 30 second for the device to beep green so he ordered the young kids to get off the car as he took and Swift search round the care calling two other officials with him to come check inside the car, Eden's had made car has a 2nd unit boot like a basement, that was where Emily and Evans were hiding the Keypads but they found nothing so they got back in the car.
As soon as the gates where open Then came an Official towards the gate running "STOP THOSE KIDS!!". Smart Eden took the shot and hit the gear and in the glimpse of an eyes was down the bridge.i knew something was fishy here said the Black Tall Official as he jumped into his military car as well as 4 extra cars having 2 Military Officials in each car. It was like the games we watched and played online, I love this real life grand theft said Elena as she reached into her bag and brought a fan like weapon she often called The Globin of the Forest, As a combat mistress she technically threw them showing her swift moves and curves the it hit the tyres of 2 cars of the military chasing them behind leaving the Black mans car and two other military cars.

**Bridge wars🌉**🔪🗡️
Aranch bridge was built like a river divided in three parts and joining again at the end to give one straight move into the high way so the three military cars split in the 3 dimensions of their bridge chasing Eric and his friends. The ranged Officials brought out there guns and began shooting towards Eden's car, he chuckled as he hit the bulletproof button and his care was coated in a bulletproof coat. On seeing this one of the drivers in the military car was amused and lost sight of his direction that he crashed into a car and his car fell off the bridge. The the Wild chase still continued between the young legends, the tall black man and the last military back up car. Eden's car starts running out of gas in the highway so it decelerated and the Military backup to be in a parallel line with Eric and his friends. Leading the drift and hitting each other's car Eden keep pushing as much so he isn't overtaken by his opponent. Eva the mysterious cheap wiped out a skin paralyzing and burning portion she had made earlier giving them to Elena as she rapped it at the tips of her arrors. Elena shot the military back up driver from the window of the broken glass of the car making his hands burning evenly as he screamed. Running out of great ideas Eric decided to hit the huffing and puffing Tall black Military Official. He used his well profound ears he calculates the speed of his vehicle from behind, he decided to test his powers again so he shouted "Everyone close your ears" immediately they did he decided to scream not knowing the effects he unexpected screamed the bee song calling in swamp of bees from the forest in along the highway, in a slipt of seconds they came buzzing towards him as he send them the devour the Black Military man. The bees blocking the front glass of the Military man, Eden quick drove off from the highway in the forest.
Now unknown to Eric he gave the bees the strength of a thousand men as each sting from them broke the officials car bit by bit crashing it as they began stinging the black man. Eric stopped shouting immediately Eden drove into the forest so the strength of the bees where gone leaving a battered bee strung swollen black man.

What will the forest give them good or evil?🤣💎
Episode 3🌟✨
© The Emperor's Knight inks