

"A lot of people ask us why. Why we do the work that we do, why work here while you can earn more elsewhere, why stand all day in the heat when you can sit in an air conditioned room, and the list goes on and on. I just have one answer to all the prosecutors, because "we refuse to". We refuse to cage ourselves to a confined set of walls, we refuse to earn a living, pay bills and die, we refuse to work with our heads than our hearts and most importantly we refuse to die at 25 and be burried at 70.

At decathlon we earn our gilets, they're not given to us. We run, scream, sweat and bleed to come out on top and better our lots. We know the difference between existing and living, that talent wins games but teamwork wins championships, that footprints matters a lot more than shoes, that wounds are lessons and scars are meant to be shown off, that a smile is right under the nose but happiness beats right below it. We refuse to let barriers like fatigue, sleep, energy levels, and time pull us down, cuz we know that they're all excuses and sound best only to the ones making them up. We refuse to narrate our lives in the lines of a pity party, in the midst of conjugated, fabricated lies. So if you ever see us with smiles on our faces,with our eyes glowing with passion, living our lives to the fullest, Don't get jealous of us, cuz we've made our sacrifices to get it. We've stayed up all night, dared to chase our passions, followed our hearts, woken up before the sun, slept after the moon, refused to let an F on our grades beat us down, we've walked through pain, slept through sorrows, its high time to get a reward from it.

We refuse to let people look at us and feel discharged, they'll look at us and feel victorious, they'll look at us and feel like this is a person who's gonna give them everything they've got and not just on the days they feel like, as someone who'd give them a real level of commitment. When we're in blue with that orange lining, sport is our duty, obligation and responsibility. Whilst others see customers and opportunities to sell but we see fellow users and alternatives to suggest. We don't wake up everyday like y"all and go to work. We wake up everyday day and spar with Murphy's law. When we wake up everyday day it's game on, its go season. Cuz at Decathlon, the closer we are to the ledge the more alive we feel. We're Decathletes, we're United by sport."