

Freindship Seed
Friendship relations don't have to be between people of the same age or only between two people. A real friend is the one who walks in when all the world walks out. A real friend is not the one who makes your problems disappear, but the one who won't disapear when you are facing a problem, and he won't betray you.
Friends don't let their friends down when they count on them. They are the people who you can count on when you are facing an issue. They always offer a shoulder to cry in case something wrong happened. A friend never envies you if you do an achievement, but he support you to achieve it. He makes you smile when you forget to, and lift you up when you can't lift up yourself.
Friendship relation is all about trusting each other, helping each other and loving one another. So they never talk behind you. They are the ones that you can trust and tell all your secrets for, because they are loyal and never cheat on you .
Friendship is like a planted seed that should be cherished and taken care of. It is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you can learn at school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. And most importantly never take it to seriously, it must be filled with love, fun, entertainment and live it with no limit.
#originals #ZHH