

Magic Realms Hidden Secrets (chapter four)
Chapter four.


A new day had arrived. Luna went from thinking she would have to venture into the woods all on her own, to having a small crew with her. For the first time in her life, she truly understood the meaning of love. There truly were people in her life who would dive deep into the depths of the sea to save her from drowning, they would guide her through thick and thin, influencing her every decision, her every movement and thought. She was overwhelmed with gratitude, allowing it to flow threw her body, filling her blood with warm flowing energy. She felt powerful, like she was floating on a cloud, but her feet stood firmly on the ground. Though the morning was damp, cold and dim, it was also quiet, serene and tranquil. A tear fell from her cheek, but not one of sadness, quite the opposite. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted.
"Luna, are we riding on?"
Jacob asked, clearly eager to get out of the forest by nightfall.
"But what about food? My brother party-died, he is bound to be starving as am I",
Amber argued. Luna wasn't sure who's side she was on, but then again she wasn't particularly hungry, and thought they should use every beam of sunlight wisely.
"We ride yonder."

"Whyyyyyyy, we could've stopped, hunted some deer, cooked them on sizzling flames and filled our stomachs to the brim, but noooo instead we ride until lunchtime feeling the keen burn of the saddle, through dense bushland… And I have no idea where we are going." Amber mumbled the last part. Luna's mood had instantly changed as soon as they began riding. They were all tired, hungry and frankly irritated. Jacob's eyes were staring menacingly ahead as if he were plotting all their deaths, Amber was considering eating the horse and Andrew was paler then Luna. Luna had thought about asking Jacob to stop, but she worried his mood would finally snap and decided not to push the thought. There was something approaching in the distance. Luna couldn't quite make it out due to the horse's pace. It was low to the ground, it shined an emerald green, they approached it, riding hard. The horse let out a distressed neigh and skidded through thick mud. It bucked Luna and Jacob straight off its back and weaved its way through the dense bushland until it was far beyond sight. Amber and Andrew came rushing towards them, there horse seemed to be drinking from something. Luna's mind was a blur, her eyes deceived her in every way possible and darkness was closing in. Light was fading in front of her eyes and the world was spinning to a blur. She could here shouting around her and her head was rested on something soft but firm. Darkness consumed her and she knew she was no longer conscious…

Luna woke to the splash of cool water, drenching her hair.
"Ha see that woke her up!" Amber said proudly.
"Seriously! You are not supposed to wake an unconscious person like that! Luna are you alright? You hit your head pretty hard." She looked up and saw Jacob's concerned look, her eyes were still blurry and moving her head hurt.
"What happened?"
"We fell off the horse, you were knocked unconscious, the horse ran away and we are praying that our destination is close," Jacob said, while he glared at Amber. Jacob helped Luna up and she stared with agony at the massive lake in front of them. She suddenly felt much sicker. Her stomach was filled with butterflies that seemed to be devouring her inside and making her want to throw up everything she had ever eaten. She dreaded every word she knew she was about to say. "I-i thin-k we n-need to c-ross the… lake", she managed to stutter. Amber threw her a confused look and Andrew just stared at her in wonder, only Jacob knew why she was distressed. "Why so hastily cross the water, I mean we have time to eat, don't we?", Andrew said, breaking the eerie silence.
"Were are we going to get the food though?" Amber asked. Andrew grabbed Amber's arm and dragged her away from Luna and Jacob clearly sensing their need for a private conversation. Luna flashed him a grateful smile, he nodded mutely in return. When she first met Andrew she had thought of him as Amber's personal servant, but slowly she had come to the realisation that he was very intelligent and he preferred only to speak when spoken to. Luna had also found that her opinion on Amber had also changed. She had thought Amber was kind of dense and careless, but Amber was careful with the words she chose (even if there were so many) and always seemed to know how to lighten the mood.
"Lets sit", Jacob gestured to a grey flat rock, big enough for the both of them to sit on.
"Alright", Luna said, her voice a whisper.

"You know I won't let anything happen to you", Jacob said, giving her a look of encouragement and understanding.
"What about the book? I-i can't get it wet…" Luna said the first excuse that came to mind, she knew it wouldn't make any difference anyway.
"I can tell the lake is shallow enough to walk through, someone can just hold the book. You're not getting out of it that easily", Jacob put one arm around her and Luna could smell his slightly minty breath. Trust Jacob to bring mint leaves, she wondered what he would do without them. "I'll go find Amber and Andrew. When I get back we will cross the lake", he squeezed Luna's hand and went to find them. She blushed a little at his kind gesture but still couldn't rack her mind of all it's fears. The trio returned all too quickly. In their hands were fresh, juicy blackberries and Amber seemed to have already eaten a few, judging by the blackish-purple stain in the corner of her mouth.
"Luna, you look paler than usual, you need to eat women!" Amber nagged, whilst showering Luna in blackberries. They sat in silence, nibbling on the berries.
"What of the horse?" Amber asked.
"It can walk through the lake", Jacob answered. Amber looked at Jacob as if she thought she deserved a more complex response then the one she was given.
"Let's cross now", Andrew chimed in, sensing the argument about to take place.
"Agreed", Jacob said, flashing one last glare at Amber.
"I'll take the book thingo!" Amber shouted excitedly.
"I guess I'll take the horse", Andrew groaned.

Amber splashed her way through the lake as if she was being chased by bloodthirsty wolves, Andrew sat upon the horse trying his hardest not to get wet and Luna clutched Jacob too afraid to move. The water was barely covering her knees but she was paralysed with fear. The worst part was she was sure that it would get deeper, having seen Amber's waist submerged with water. Jacob had offered to carry her, but she had said no. After all he faced his fear, so she wanted to face hers as well. That was easier said than done. Jacob extended a hand out to her.
"I promise nothing will happen to you", he assured her calmly. Time seemed to stop in its tracks, and in that very moment she felt safe. She accepted his hand. Her heart glowed with happiness and gratitude. Jacob guided her through the murky water. Holding his hand, she didn't feel fearful anymore. Jacob suddenly turned to face her, staring at her with his gorgeous hazel eyes. Luna was fairly sure he could have any girl he wanted, he had a pretty face, but Luna was fairly sure that his muscles were the main attraction. She had to remind herself that she would never have a chance with him, no matter how much she wished it. The thought was bitter-sweet. "Luna your hands… they were glowing! You told me you had powers, but I never imagined them to be so… beautiful". Her cheeks flushed the colour of cherry blossoms. She looked down, realising they really were glowing a bright gold. She quickly stopped the glow, embarrassed enough already. She made a mental note to show Jacob her powers the next change she got. Whilst pondering her thoughts she hadn't realised that she had reached the end of the lake and was now standing on firm ground. Letting out a sigh of relief she pulled Jacob into a tight embrace.
"Thank you".

Luna's fear didn't develop on its own. Everyone has fears. They come and go. Some are meaningless, others are developed through experience or tales and beliefs. Even the bravest souls fear. In fact, fear is what makes us brave, by staring fear in the eyes, we prove that it is possible to step out of one's comfort zone. Luna has been afraid of open water for a while, but not her whole life. It started when we were very young. Luna, Jacob and I were playing in a nearby lake. Jacob and I went to get some pastries, for our lunch, from a nearby bakery. The nursemaid went with us, and Luna stayed by the lake. When we came back Luna was lying on the grass, barely breathing, saying 'Tenebris venit' over and over again. It was as if she was in a trance or a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. Her body was trembling. I have never seen Jacob as worried as he was that day. The nursemaid said nothing to anyone, obviously hoping it was just her imagination, thus proving her inability to see things for what they truly are. Luna remembers nothing. She only knows of her fear. I beg to differ. How could I not remember? Or perhaps the real question is… how could I forget?

-Ocean Rose.

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