

fatal curiosity
The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right till he looked back...

He did everything right till he looked back. As his eyes glanced over his shoulder, a shiver ran down his spine. The narrow alley he had just traversed seemed different, darker somehow. He quickened his pace, the package securely tucked under his arm.

In his haste, he bumped into a mysterious stranger, their eyes hidden beneath the shadowy brim of a hat. The stranger whispered cryptic warnings, words that sent a chill through his veins. Ignoring the warnings, he continued his hurried journey, convinced he was just imagining things.

But as he approached his destination, a sense of foreboding engulfed him. The air crackled with an inexplicable tension. He felt as if unseen eyes were watching his every move. When he finally reached the drop-off point, he was met with an eerie silence that seemed to mock him.

Just as he was about to place the package down, a voice echoed behind him. "I told you not to look back," it hissed. He turned around, heart pounding, only to find the mysterious stranger now standing before him, a twisted smile playing on their lips.

"What have you done?" the stranger said, their voice laced with menace. "You've awakened forces beyond your understanding." The package, it seemed, was not an ordinary object but a relic of immense power, capable of altering the very fabric of reality.

Panic set in as he realized the magnitude of his mistake. The world around him began to warp and shift, as if reality itself was being rewritten. Desperate, he pleaded with the stranger for a way to fix his error.

The stranger's expression softened, just a fraction. "There might be a way," they said cryptically, revealing a map etched with ancient symbols. "But you must follow this path precisely. There's no room for error."

With no other choice, he embarked on a perilous journey, guided by the enigmatic map. Along the way, he encountered bizarre creatures and faced unimaginable challenges. Each step tested his resolve, pushing him to the limits of his courage.

As he neared the end of his quest, he found himself standing before a portal, shimmering with otherworldly energy. The stranger appeared once more, their eyes now filled with a strange mix of pity and admiration.

"You've proven yourself," the stranger said. "Step through the portal, and you will find yourself back at the moment you looked back. This time, do not falter. Do not let curiosity cloud your judgment."

With a deep breath, he stepped through the portal, determined to right his wrong. The world around him blurred, and he found himself back in the narrow alley, the package in his hands once again.

This time, he steeled his resolve and continued without glancing back. The instructions echoed in his mind: 'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.' That simple.

And this time, he did everything right.