

Science states dreams are the series of images one sees in his sleep. Philosophy believes that dreams refer to that strong passion that we have for our aims that doesnt let us sleep.

In my opinion dreams are a proof of our existence, an aspect that keeps us breathing. It is a reflection of our fears, anxiety, aspirations and desires. It is an imaginary world where we play the hero of our lives saving our own objectives and missions from villians of failures and pessimism present in the environment around us.

Dreams can be short term say 'the physics test got cancelled, hey I won the tournament finale race' or they can be long term 'I will be a Doctor one day, I will wear this colour on my wedding day'.

Short term dreams play a significant role in keeping us cheery assisting us to get up every day brimming with life. These are the dreams that bring us closer to our in-moment ecstacies as we get a chance to live the imagination we thought of perhaps a night before. It helps us to acknowledge the potential the words HOPE and TRUST have and the way it can help us in shaping our personaities.

Long term dreams bring us to believe in powers of CONSISTENCY and PERSEVERANCE. A very specific aspect of this section is that it is transient, keeps on evolving with time. As we grow the way we look at things changes , our aimbitions change and even our dreams. A kid might want to be a doctor when he is 5 but it could then change to be an engineer once he is 17 and has probably chosen mathematics. These are the ones that makes one work for their purpose of being, the bigger objective of life teaching us to be flexible and to be like the flowing river if you wish to cross the mountains and attain the pinnacle of success.

There is another category of dreams which I term as fictional make-believe dreams. Dreams that comprises of living moments which are hard to be real. Series of horses flying, birds talking , buildings moving, we being a super hero saving the world, we being a warrior protecting our kingdom. This section has a robust influence on our capacity to ENVISION, to see the implausible. It helps us to break the strings of seeing the world the way our families, friends , society teaches us rather helps us acknowledge our ownself to develop the seeds of originality, of building our own choices, of infusing our own shade of colors in our thoughts , of having our own opinions and point of say in scenarios. This helps us to break the cocoon around us and let our wings unwind and make our own flight of endeavours and adventures and see the world in our style.

The kind of individuals we become depends on the manner and on our capabilities to rationalize b/w idealistic and practical issues and our dreams pave the way to the kind of person we aspire to be. It is in your dreams that you can let your fear reign supreme and then get a chance to showcase your valour when you deduce a way to combat it. This will not just help us get up the next day with a smile but also with a confidence that Yes, I can fix this problem, Maybe my plan needs a tweak but yes it can work. It is in our dreams that we get the best surgeon award or perhaps become the CEO of the biggest firm of the nation. This helps us to make our dedication and commitment stronger towards working in furnishing our goals. It acts as an inspiration to derail the hurdles approaching us and makes us more passionate in believing that if we can dream we can also make it happen.

Every dream has a reason to happen. No matter it is in reference to your past, present or the future but it has a message for you. An intention imbibed in it to reveal the fact that have faith in yourself and your imaginations. Keep a close eye on the series of figures and thoughts you cross while you are asleep, analyze them maybe they are whispering your idea of a better tomorrow!!