

World with Reality: Own Story Part 2
As the child was growing, she started to recognize the things around her and always carried that one beautiful smile which can make even the most angry person into peace and calm. She had a cute small family apart from her extended family. She started to become very attached to her father(the bond is irreplaceable). On june 6th, her first day in her kindergarten school. Her mom thought how can this tiny little girl can be there as she couldn't with anyone apart from mom and dad. With a little tense her parents dropped her in the school, the little kid stepped inside the school with a very happy face and as usually with her beautiful smile, waved at her parents indicating to go inside which made her parents a bit free of tense. It was her firat day out of house but as she was so happy kid, she was able to migle with other kids and started to enjoy and embrace the movements and environment. On her first day only she got all the attention and became the favourite kid to her teacher. May be it was her friendly innocent nature which was so pure made other to love her. Even though she didn't get love or affection from her extended family, she was always loved by her school mates and peoplein school. As the days passed she completed with her kindergarten and went to her primary School.
-By know you all should know that she was very happy and active in school than home.
On her 4th birthday, she got an amazing surprise which has turned her life and played a major part of her life. Her dad gifted a cute little pomerania puppy(a white one as pure as snow with a cut little black eyes that sparkles) which made the baby girl happy and excited, she started to talk to the puppy and was overwhelemed by naming the puppy as Nicky.

To be continued in the upcoming part, Untill then enjoy and guess the remaining story😄


© Dhanalakshmi G