

Who Are They?!
They say one is crazy when you talk to yourself & you answer back, In an Effort to find The Answers to the Questions that you asked.

But who are they?
And what do they know about the insane asylum,
so as to differentiate the facts of what they cannot grasp?

The world defines insanity as losing grip with reality acting foolish because you’re mentally ill.

Yet, is that not what children do?
Creating there own little world,
Residing in their imagination
until they get there fill?

They come back to reality, mingle with the world and they denounce them sane,
But be an adult and do the same
your denounced insane?

There’s a thin line between imagination and exaggeration
in that they seemingly overlap simplicity with impossibility.

A mentally disturbed person can personify the imagination exaggerating the facts of myth
And turn it into what they perceive to be reality.

Imagination is what resides within the mind of a seemingly sane individual.
Exaggeration is what one perceives as truth of what remains within there mind as being residual.

The only difference between insanity and being sane is the seemingly insane ones can do it better.

Their exaggeration’s can take them places that man has ever been inside
this imaginary world that one could define as clever.

Maybe it's NOT instability, but rather the inner child devising the mind to believe what isn't real.

They call it schizophrenia
Characterized by disintegration of emotional paranoid thinking depriving the patient of what they feel.

Comprising of hallucinations and delusions disorganized speech and thinking accompanied by significant social dysfunction.

But who are they? to diagnose my mind and run a diagnosis based on scientific diagnostic myths that define what it means to function.

What they define as dysfunctional is what many people need to function and what they define as mentally disturbed is what one could define as Genius.

To have the ability to take a negative and split into a positive creating a world within a world making the mind insidious.

Maybe these thoughts are my dopamine,
that run along my mesolimbic pathway
connecting the neurological neurons thus becoming my psychotherapy.

Yes, who are they? to have the nerve to try to make me nervous as I nervously subject myself to nervousness by allowing myself to think I need therapy.

My thoughts are therapeutic in addition to my words
that always seem to entertain the pages of my mind.

My synapses sleep together, sharing there ideas identifying ideally &
separating what's identical creating an idealism based on what they find.

In an instant my words play with each other writing together subjecting themselves to the vulnerability of being misunderstood.

I enter into this world whenever I feel the need to solidify the way I feel of the outside world which would ascertain my thoughts if it could.

This imaginary world that my mind is entertaining consists of entertainment of the imagination & things imagined thus keeping me entertained.

I don't even pretend to fall back when my brain convulses into apparent instability and falls in catalytic catastrophe thus sinking into their category of the insane.

I instantaneously connect the connections of my illusive predisposed connected thoughts with the reality of the physical world.

Finding peace of mind within my mind being mindful of the minded
As I mindlessly analyze my minds eye and bring it submission to my definition of an imaginary world.

So who are they? The ones who allegedly define the differences between normalcy and psychotic behavior and allocate psychosis from psychosomatic.

This so called psychological psychoanalysis psychobabble is completely psychogenic in that it originates within my mind conflicting with what takes time and what's automatic.

These psychiatrist's need psychotherapy to help them cope with there mental state and deal with everyone else's hate. As they continue to play the game of socialism.

I prefer my world as my ideas battle on the scientific battlefield and make definition's to define and refine the already defined definition's that are definite to the worlds egotism.

Never will I succumb to the pressure of bringing my mind together subjecting myself to failure in dealing with this delusional dismay.

Never will I accept what is acceptable or what has been accepted in accepting what other people say. Yes who are they?

© JustAnotherInkling🎨