

The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back. Instead of waiting I started walking to it in the hope of finding sunshine. I had faith that I will find my sunshine. While walking I met many people some were good, some were bad. Some tried to change
me, some tried to use me while some tried to stop me, but my feet never stopped.
One day while walking I came across a beautiful human being, he started walking with me, something was different with him he never tried to change me or betray me or stope me, he just wanted to walk with me. When i asked him what he wanted with me, he said with a smile on his face that "i don't want anything from you, i just want to walk with you, can we both look for sunshine together?", and I knew that I found my sunshine. I didn't reply him instead held his hand and started walking.