

Don't Give Up
Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life.
It all started after Dad losses is Job at the Microfinance Bank, Life was so unbearable and we hardly eat three square meal in a day.
I stood behind the door eared doping, Dad and Mom conversation, Saying , Where are we gonna start from, No exact destinations to be precise.
Dad and Mom withdrew us from School, cause they find it so hard to met up with our tuition fees , More of less our Accommodation fees,
One Certain Day the Landlord who owns our apartments came with a notice letter which inscribed. Please I want to make used of my Building.
Mom and Dad felt so hopeless, And also depressed, They both sold everything they had just to get a small accommodation to rest during the night hour.
We all set to the street to beg for Aims, Food and most importantly Money. We leave in Hell, but still yet we never give up but stick closer as one big happy family.

© Danstan