

my first love is a killer part 15
"Are you sure Luciana?" I asked looking at her in the eyes. "Let's take her Zack. She does need some closure." Matt said standing up. Matt went upstairs to get ready. "Ok I guess where leaving. Luciana are you ready to leave or do you need some time?" I asked getting ready. "I'm ready to go." Luciana said putting on her shoes. While Luciana was in a mental hospital I got my license. The police didn't think it was a good idea for Matt to get a license or be able to drive. The jury bought me a car for a family of 5 and a few things Luciana would need. We didn't know anything about Luciana except her name and who her parents where. I wonder when will she open up? We got to the place where Luciana's parents where buried. "I'm sorry mom and dad I guess I was a burden for you. I wish you saved yourselves instead of me. I wish I wasn't as useless as uncle thought I was. I just hope your happy for saving me." Luciana said looking at there graves. Matt looked at Luciana andright away hugged her. "Don't say that. Your going to break your parents heart. If you keep talking like that you won't let them rest in peace. Let them go to the other world with hope you'll be ok." Matt said looking like he would start crying. Luciana looked at Matt and nooded. Matt smiled and let go of Luciana. "I'm sorry mom and dad I was lying. I'm happy and glad you saved me. I promise I won't let you feel like you made a mistake by saving me." Luciana said forcing herself to smile. I looked at Luciana and I hugged her. Matt joined the hug and we stayed that way for a few minutes. We left and went back to the house. I was 16 year old boy taking care of a girl who's age I don't know and I'm taking care of this girl with a serial killer who turned 17 years old a few weeks ago. I wonder when things will start to go wrong. When we got home Luciana started to open up. "I would love you to call me Luci instead of Luciana and I'm 10 years old. I'm in 4th grade and I don't have any friends. I'm the weird kid in school and now I have 2 gay guardians who date each other. I will call Matt dad and Zack papa. I'm not messy and I'll try not to get in your way. I'm not as weak as you think. I'm glad that you 2 saved me." Luci said going to the kitchen. "Ok Luci do you want us to cook you dinner today." I asked going to the kitchen. "No thanks I'll cook dinner today." Luci said getting the food out the fridge. Matt sat down in the living room and started to watch tv. I looked back and forth at Matt and Luci. I took a deep breath and sat next to Matt in the couch. We watched a few movies while waiting for dinner. "Dinner is ready." Luci yelled. Matt and I went to the kitchen and ate the dinner Luci made for us. It was so good that we didn't have any words. After dinner we watched movies as a family. I felt more happier at that point.

© the unknown