

cursed part 7
It's been almost a whole day and we're still captured. I couldn't move yet but that doesn't matter we where trapped. Ghere where guards everywhere. I think they where waiting for my grandfather. Why hasn't he come back? Where is he? Is he ok? I saw a young girl that looked like she was 12 years old and an older man around his 30s. They saw us but ignored us. All we could do was behav are selves so we don't get killed. I looked at Jackie and she was crying. I looked at Matt and he looked like he was getting ready to attack. I started to move and scream. I made a big scence so they all would pay attention to me and ignore Jackie and Matt. Matt knew what I was planning and got ready to carry Jackie. I acted like I was going crazy and all the guards came around me. Jackie and Matt ran outside and ran as fast as he could. They got into the forest to deep to follow. The guards where very upset so they all kicked me. One guard said "Let's take her clothes off. Let's have fun with them." all the guards looked at me and laughed. I started to cry and scream. "leave me alone!" I screamed repeatedly. No one of them listed and just laughed. These men are worst then scum! I can't believe they are thinking about it. I tried to stand up but I couldn't move. No one is coming. I'm alone here. No one is going to save me.

© Sammy Ayala