

Vengeance ( Chapter 20)
The first step of healing is acceptance. Acceptance of the fact that a certain incident has happened and embracing it. Jem once told me healing was hard I totally agree.

The fear of relapse is genuine and most hardest to deal with. Trauma is in a moment. That moment passes and its over for world. Sadly the fear and agony inflicted on the victim stays. Distressing event brings direct harm to mind.

Our brain is a fickle thing that it has a habit to store things. Those stored things bring pain. Still it depends on the level of determination and will power shown by the individual keeping in regard the mind games one brain can play on it. Things dont end here. If as a result of this rosy delusion of healing you take a wrong route chances of destruction increase with zillion folds.

Felicity was at the first step; Eden placed tonic on her burning soul but still there was a long way to go. Every medicine needs time to work. Will power of patient also matters and in emotional healing this need folds to double. In case of Felicity EQ was needed.

Days went by. Alexander and Elsa with drew in the end patient became attendee. Felicity stayed in shadows under the cover of silence spreading unicorn magic. Ignoring rules of nature in her new found euphoria of light. Bonding time increased and evil stepped into Felicity territory. Too much kindness does more harm than good.

Elif shafak differenciated love from intellect I dont disagree with the notion completely but why do love has to end up as rubble? Let's not hold extremes of ropes and strting jumping in the middle of it. Let's give love spectacles of intellect while fueling it up with common sense and checking selfishness at the gate. This way no every daddylong leg type person would suffer.

Tiring hour of operating table passed for both mother and daughter and cosmos granted them health. Emily felt like a third wheel completely disdained of everything. She was just there. She was happy to see Felicity happy but she also feared about evil beneath the line.

Displeased doors of Min mansion opened up again on Felicity ; she thanked cosmos for hailing happiness back on her. Unaware that the life was ready to slap in her face again. All the evil forces united with immense power once again. Spider web was tenderly soft, exquisitly beautiful yet dripping with same toxin as its nature. Angel got trapped.

Felicity tucked her mother in the bed and turned off light. She sighed and walked towards the guest room. She was welcomed with a screaming phone as she opened the door. In a light second she leapt and attended it. David was on the other side. Company requested heir presence in tomorrow meeting. She listened David Ted talk and disconnected phone silently. Perplexed she lied on bed thinking:

They want me back?

What should I do?

I cant leave mom.

You also cant leave company that's the last responsibility Min have you.

Someone said inside her. Frustrated she pulled her velvety bangs and kicked the air.

Stop it I need to sleep.

Soon everything was silent. The deer in head light closed her eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

Morning opened up with roaring and meowing of Alexander and his wife. Felicity rubbed her face and grabbed her phone.

8:39 am

God help me mom breakfast time passed

She jumped on her feet and got washed up as quickly as she can. She swiftly walked towards kitchen to make food. There she was welcomed by a shark. She eyed her from head to toe as if she was a prey.

Felicity finished up making food and fed her mother diligently. She loved how elder threw in a tantrum as she handed her a glass of milk. In old age people's personality get a reverse gear to childhood. She saw that every day. It surprised her how they ended up so warm and cuddling.

I wish you were like this mom in my childhood as well.

Very obediently she crouched down infront of elder explaining about David call last night. As expected she made a sad face and Felicity gushed in her heart. She pinched her cheek gently. After a bit of reluctance she was allowed to leave.

Why do you have to leave me alone in that witch presence?

Mom its necessary. I will comeback soon until then you stay in your room and watch TV away from her.

I am scared.

Mom its gonna be alright I will call you as soon as I get free.

Felicity pecked her mother's forehead, handed her a remote and straightened up after covering her with a comforter.

I wish you stop doing this to yourself. Roger is a fine boy and Elsa doesnt mind either. You get married and stay with me. This business is a manly task let men handle the work.

Felicity was only able to stare towards her in response.

Think about it it's my happiness.

Elder smiled at her. Felicity was blown away with this offer. She drove to company with an absent mind. Biggest stereotype of this world. Girls cant play with boys cant wear pink. Why do you have to put a label? When God said everyone is free are we bigger Gods than Him As she was about to enter conference room someone pulled her into side corner.



Let me go I am already late from the meeting.

That meeting isnt due in next two hours.


David released Felicity and handed her a chair.

Come let's have a talk.

Felicity sat down and David pulled another chair.

So what's on your mind for today?

What? I just came to listen.

David sighed and furrowed his brows.

Are you stupid?


Cant you see that it's a trap?

May be! Why would I care I am just heir you are the CEO?

David pulled his hair in frustration.

Felicity where has your intellect gone to?

To be honest I am tired David, I think I should stop. Mom has changed. I think I will forgive everyone and settle down.

Interesting how are you going to do that?

Mom is in pain. The only way to cure it is for me to get married to Roger.

You think this will solve everything?


Dont you think you are being hypocritical?

Hm how?

Before you think about forgiving your mom try thinking about man you once called your dad.


Dont shout Felicity! Go home. I am cancelling everything. Try to sort yourself out.

I am sorted

No you are not. Living a reckless life is equal to slow death okay? I wouldnt allow that on my watch.

Do you think I am stupid?

Yes you are!

David stormed out of room with this. Felicity sat there with her head down. The father who was dead for world but was living with anonymous identity. Tears started to fall from her eyes as that night replayed infront of her eyes. He came back home drunk and beat his wife black and blue. Felicity wasnt home. She came back to see her mother seriously injured. After a long detour she was saved but at the cost of her legs. Felicity snapped that day and threw him into an anonymous mental asylum. For world declared him dead.

Felicity wiped her tears and stepped out. Fiercely she drove away from city in an unknown direction. She felt like her heart squeezing and losing her breathe. She stopped infront of a yellow building. Insanity was taking over. She felt cold shivers all over her body. Demons are coming.

What next should I do?

She placed her head on steering wheel and cried harshly. She cried and cried until no strength was left in her body.

Its a dead end!

Whom should I trust!

Someone inside her was telling to get out from here. Confused she turned deaf ears towards it. Gut feeling is never wrong. Intuition is not a bluff. They both are connected to brain specifically speaking to our 6th sense. It gives us forecast of danger like a meteorological satellite. She locked her car and stepped in.

She checked in on main desk and soon found the said elder. She was standing beside a rose bed silently staring toward them. Today was the day of confrontation. With shaking steps and quivering heart she stepped forward.


Elder flipped on his feet and stared towards Felicity. No words were exchanged just silence. Tears were flowing from Felicity 's eyes. Dad held out his arms and they cried while hugging each other. These tears were precious. It held emotions of centuries. Soon Felicity calmed down and spoke.

Why? Why did you do that to mom?

Elder gave out a cold sigh and wiped tears of his daughter

Because my dad was like that!


Thank you for reading!

© Chanyeol_12