

Red hair part 4
Naz mum: if you hit my daughter...{walk out}
Naz: that's what you get for messing with Naz see you i class.
Nayba:{run's to the restroom and cries} I can continue like this😭 {gives herself a scar on her eye and goes to class}.
Teacher:oh my god what happened to your eye?!?😲
Nayba: it's nothing
Teacher: are you sure you don't want to go to the school nurse?
Nayba: no am good
Naz: oh great now you look like a freak😂
Batin: why can't you...
Nayba: it's ok i got this just because your parents divorced dosen't mean that you can call me a freak😬
Naz: you...
Teacher: ok calm down!!
{after class}
Batin: are you ok
Nayba: yes am fine why?
Batin: you don't sound like you self ? your sure your fine?
Nayba: i fell weird but am ok👌
Naz: you...
Nayba:if you think of telling your mum she will say it's you cause she told you olny
Naz: i will sue you😠
Nayba: i don't think i did enything wrong🤔
Naz:then i will kill you😠
Nayba: you will get arested for that😂
Naz:then i will..i will😣
Nayba:oh quit this drama am out of here😑{leave her in shock}
Nayba:yes wow she just wasted my time. What's your real name?🤔
Nayba:you know you can't lie to me😏
Batin:fine my name is...
{Nayba come to the principal office}
part 2
Am so sorry am late 😅 i hope you like it the next part ment come tomorrow
© faith