

Rays of Love. (part-two)
With the rays of the sun illuminating mother earth, they started their journey to find Stephen, the father, the husband. “Stephen.”

On the journey, their gateway was the seven-colored bow, to which Marry says to her children, “You know it is a good sign to start a journey with the blessing of the rain god; Yes, blessing with the seven-colored door.” It was an experience for the whole family. With the rain god and the sun god’s blessing, they continued their journey.

With the journey, many questions arose in the minds of the whole family, as everybody had experienced many things for the first time. Marry had the knowledge to respond to the questionnaire her children gave her.

Marry kept on explaining about the big forests, mountains, land, and seas as they were passing over them. Mary was able to provide insight and clarity into the minds of her children by quoting the knowledge she had acquired from her parents....