

Wolf's Trip (Part 2)
Foxy tried to hold in his breath but he couldn't.The dragon turned to him and said"why have you come here? You are deep danger Leave Now!".As soon as Foxy heard this he ran as fast as he could but he didn't no where he was he was lost and unaware of what the dragon meant by he was in deep danger.Foxy found a tree to rest by he took a deep breath and saw a gush of blood on his knee.He must of fell when he ran or was stung by somthing.Foxy took a nap and when he woke up he was now in a cave.He looked around and saw a shelf of books about humans and dragons.Then on the other side of it was a photo of a dragon with a another dragon beside it.He knew that the dragon must of caught him when he sleeped.But out of the blue a Huge noise that sounded like thunder came from one of the rooms.He saw a pot that he could fit in so he hid in it.As he tried to stay quiet he felt like the pot was being picked up.Then the pot leaned to the opening and he felt a cold shiver of liquid pour out beside him.Then he saw a huge Pot where he saw other mixtures were Being ored into the pot.But as he thought the poring stopped the pot started shaking up and down.Foxy could not Handle being tossed around so he deside that he could not take it anymore and let go as he fell into the pot a lid was covering the top of the pot.He fell on what felt like flour and looked around with his flashlight he felt it getting hotter and hotter in till his feet were burning he yelled for help but no one could hear him.As he thought it was over and he would die a huge hand swooped down and grabbed him out.He was now passed out and hardly awake.He saw a huge shadowy figure over him.....