

Before it's too late...
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane...

He felt claustrophobic for the 1st time, not knowing where to go what to do. He relied on his survival insticts but he was helpless, starving and dying to get out of there. He knew he had no one to help him nevertheless he too was never helpful to anyone. Struggling with his thoughts he remembered how rude he was to not take care of his ailing parents who had no one by their side but him. How he got away with his excuses and never came back even when they died. He was reminded of the times when his dearest friend was in crisis but he made his way out of it knowing that he was the only hope.

He enjoyed all the luxuries of his life but was never respected for he didn't respect no one. As he laid restlessly he started crying thinking of the times that he could have stood for his family but he shook off all his responsibilities like a tree gets rid of it's old leaves. His whole life was futile now he realised. The super successful, best businessman of the country was going to die and no one would ever find out how.

Well, would anyone ever care how,why,when he died? These thoughts were killing him faster than his death. Now he really wished to die for his life was unworthy and a waste. The sound of drilling got louder so loud that it almost felt like real.

He got up panting from that nightmare. There was no airplane, nothing.HE WAS ALIVE,alone. Well , that didn't make him fall asleep once again nor did he had courage to get himself water. He repented but somewhere he was thankful that it was just a dream. He can mend things, change them for better. He had realised that he has got a chance to make his life worthy Before It's Too Late and unlike many he is fortunate enough to do that.

What would he do next???
© accio thoughts