

The Dark Descent: Vampires vs Zombies (Part 9)
I screamed because of everything that I’ve known since I met Leo has all been a lie and the only person I trust is now dying right in front of me. I tried to do CPR but it wasn’t working so I did what they always do in movies and said about all the times we had together.

That didn’t work so I told him I loved him too and he started to cough up blood and just stared at me for a couple seconds. After he stopped coughing for a couple seconds I asked him why he was looking at me like that and to just talk to me because I loved him. He then moved closer and closer before finally asking if he could kiss me.

I prepared myself mentally for it but clearly the universe doesn’t want us to be together because Leo’s laughing behind me with a button aimed right at my head and he begins to push down on the button.
© Mads