

Beautiful Childhood Memories
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge.
it's summer time when school kids are home on holidays.
it's weekend and the weather is very hot . Natasha decide to go on a picnic with her fiancee at the beach.
As they both sat at the seashore sides where the sands are grey with time enjoying the weather and breeze.
Natasha caught a glimpse of little children playing by the seashore side and she couldn't help but smile and reminisce over sweet childhood memories; where she was so free like a bird without oceans of fears and worries.
she could remember the days during her summer holidays when she go on holiday trips with friends and family enjoying the summer.
If she could turn back the hands of time she did wish to go back in time to those joyous days of childhood memories, especially during summer when all she and friends did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge she thought.
But then those are memories she will treasure forever.
© Asiat Adeleke