

Human Rights Anyone?
Reading this morning as I always do with my cup of coffee, I am genuinely surprised and very unsettled.

I'm considered a "highly functioning vulnerable adult" now and have been for years, and honestly believed that each and every one of us as human beings have the right to free speech, dignity, and to have our basic needs met of clean air, water and food regardless of our ancestry or beliefs.

With all my heart I have been a behind the scenes activist of sorts since I can remember. Whether it was insisting my (soon to be) stepfather when I was 4, stop and help the girl whose foot he ran over in Japan - and surviving the consequent abuses he inflicted for years to attempt to silence me, or starting a petition in 7th grade at a Catholic school I would soon be expelled from because of it.

Realizing now at 59 that simply surviving all these years, of being the only person willing to testify in court against a pedophile, or speaking out against my repetitive childhood traumas, even against the lack of support from family over the years...being labeled as "crazy" or a pathological liar just for speaking the Truth, I always stood on my unshakable beliefs that the Truth is the Truth no matter what.

I come from a very strong family line, of Hungarians who died for their unwavering Faith, twelve of them taken to Auschwitz and gassed. I myself have survived rapes, beatings, an attempted drowning, countless abandonments, highly risky and dangerous situations, being beaten nearly to death - with damages sustained to my nervous system, eyesight, frontal lobe, hearing and balance and prevented from any treatment, and still I've held fast to the beliefs that Martin Luther King spoke of decades ago.

I still believe with all my heart in the equal rights of all human beings and I don't think that will ever change. But what's different at this moment, is the fear and realization that there are far too many who don't.

I guess I'm very lucky to be living in the United States, even with it's many issues. It's easy for me to articulate on these things and sit in the comfort and relative safety of my apartment, while writing about this. But I've begun to realize more now than ever that I too am vulnerable. I just never wanted to admit it.

In reference to an article from the Guardian App on always having a "go bag" ready.

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