

palipad hangin kulam
why she have everything
after the palipad hangin witch craft to me
im end up loosing
she have a money
a nice car
a nice house
a nice life
i didnt have everything
but i know what she have cames to her mind
now i want everything she stole
in a million i ask god
why she have everything
she have an ability to work
and support her family
why she did palipad hangin and do witch craft and did everything to loose my concentration
why life is so affair
she almlst have everything
she had my money
she had everything i should have

im telling the truth
and i cant stop

why bad people like have everything
despite on stepping to our life
despite of ruining someones life
why god still bless
even he done so rediculous thing
even he destroyed someones life

why is so unfair to the person who didnt changed her self despite of all her lies

i rather see her one day
when her companion died
when her knees died younger than her
when she was old.
and all the thing she metioned was me
everything that she did to me
every secret she keep on me
everything she have give it to me
cause i am the true owner

i looking forward to the day
everything back at it was

i hope my faith became powerful in time
© barbiepark