


It was raining heavily and could even hardly hear someone speak, Jessica made her self some hot chocolate tea, sat near the window and watched the rain droped silently on her window, she thought of how she could contact Annie and apologize to her and make things right but she also thought of hearing Bryan out, she found out she was a little bit rude so she took her phone and called Bryan...
Jessica: hey
Bryan: Hey, I can explain, I didn't mean to kiss her, she forced me(Jessica cuts in)
Jessica: well I don't really know of I should trust what you saying but it's alright, I just called to say hi. Good bye then, talk to you later
Bryan: oh Jess come on, you got to believe me
Jessica: I said I would talk to you later
(she hangs up)
The rain had stopped falling and Jessica decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood, whilst walking around,she saw Annie getting down from a taxi with her bag and quickly ran to her filled with joy
Jessica:hey, hey Annie (she hugs her) Am so sorry girl , I should have followed you, am truly sorry,. I don't have any excuses, please forgive me
Annie: Don't worry girl, you have been forgiven
Jessica: really 😁😁😁
Annie: yeah, anyways I have missed you so much
Jessica: me to girl, your mom told me you went to Paris for the contest, who won?
Annie: yes and guess who won
Annie: WE WON!
(both screaming with joy, and hugged eachother)