

Mystified Love Of August (ch#7)
It's been a month since i and Eric are taking the same classes without interacting with each other. I always leave class before him or when the teachers go out. I tried to ignore him even in other places at the university but the fact that he is there every day makes me so frustrated. I can't stand it when he tries to make eye contact with me. I don't know why but his eyes seem furious. It looks like he took his eyes from the devil, Dark and deep yet scary and sometimes flirty. Today is the day when I'm going to have a class with him again. I hope my whole year goes as peacefully as it's going. Let's get ready and leave for university.


Ok, so today I am late because of traffic. why the hell there was so much traffic today? I hope I won't get scolded. I entered the class. The teacher was looking at me but he didn't say anything except "don't be late again" . Maybe because I've never been late before.

Today's a bad day I guess. There is no seat left except one. I would be less regretting being late and not finding one seat than this seat. I don't wanna sit there. It's the only seat which is beside Eric. Why God? Why? I don't wanna sit with him. Do my peaceful days end already??

"If you don't wanna sit please don't waste our time. You've already been so late."Sir scolded me. I guess the only option I have today is to sit there.

"Sorry sir! I'm sitting." I replied and sit beside him. I hope the day goes well today. It doesn't seem like it will from the way it started.

So today the professor is making groups for the project. Let's see whom I would be paired up with.

No, no, actually the groups are already made before I arrived so I would just be going in someone's group.

"Alessia! You are in Eric's group. Please take details from him" the professor said.

What the hell again? Why am I with him in the group project? Why are you playing with me, God?? Did I do something wrong today? Anything but not this. Why it's happening to me? I can't make the project with him :|

Should I tell the professor to change my group? Maybe I should. But not now because if I did he would scold me again. I should tell him after class.

Class ended finally let's go and talk Alessia.

"Professor, can't I be in someone else's group?"

"Why? Do you have any problems with your group? Do you have any problem with someone?"

"Yes sir."

"Then keep your problems to yourself, if you didn't wanted to be a part of that group you should have come early. I can't do anything now. All other groups are complete except this."

"If you don't wanna be a part of any group you can tell me. I will mark you zero I have no worries but, I guess you would have."

"No! No! Sir, it's fine I would try to adjust, please don't mark me zero."

"Ok! I want to see your group project as the best one because you are the only group who have two talented people"

"Eric! Come here."

Why did he call him now I just hate him how will we going to work together like this?

"Eric and Alessia I trust your abilities and you guys will be going to make the best project. Eric guide Alessia about the project she is pretty good in writing as you are and she will be a good resource for your group I know you both will become good partners"

Did he just say, good partners? Him and I? Seriously? He and I sitting together peacefully would be a tragedy. He likes to rule and I like to do things in my way. What will happen with our project?

Oh God! Help me. Ahhhh!!

"Yeah, I will guide her. Don't worry sir we will make a good pair for sure. An example for everyone." Eric said while smiling at me. His flirty smile is so cringe. I wanted to just kill him right now.

Professor left the class and again it was only me and him alone in the whole class.

"Huh! We will make a good pair my foot. Why didn't you tell him you don't wanna make a group with me?"

"Why would I?"

"Because you have a problem with me and we can't work together at all." i said.

"You might have a problem working with me but I don't have darling."

"Shut up! Keep your darling to yourself it will suit you."
He faces me and said,
"Only if you would call me "Darling" I would keep it, My dear Darling."

"Why am I even arguing with this jerk?" I whisper.

"What did you just say? What did you call me?" He says.

He is coming closer to me what am I supposed to do?

"Idiot! I called you an idiot. Do you want me to shout it out loud for you?"

"Aren't you pretty brave? Huh? Do you want me to tell you what an idiot can do?"

He come much closer to me my heartbeat started to get faster.

"What? You can't do anything. I am not a weak girl who will get afraid of you."

He looks into my eyes and smirk at me and then he left the classroom. He always left me to freeze I don't know why the hell he do this to me. Sometimes I just wanted to be a person who can harass a man like him so he would know how it feels. I mean yes he didn't harass me like he never touched me or something but him getting close to me always gives me goosebumps.


I have been sitting in the cafe for half an hour waiting for zain to arrive. He called me yesterday to meet him here. He didn't call me after that day when "the only thing I did was eat my favorite pasta with his money.":⁠-⁠)

There comes a beautiful man with a great figure in his white and black pants and shirt which is making him more handsome and the veins of his hands ahhhh! I would die. But I can't seem to see his face because of the sunlight coming into my eyes. Let him come closer Alessia he isn't going anywhere else but coming to you... Wait! Wait! Wait! Ohh shit! It's not Zain. The person I was praising wasn't zain at all but he is handsome like zain no wonder I couldn't able to differentiate between them. But who is he?

Whoever he was. He look in my direction, sunlight got dim and I was finally able to see his face. It's....... It's..... It's him....... It's no other but him. He is Eric. :⁠‑⁠X
I was describing the Beauty of Eric just now, like seriously? What the hell is wrong with me? Why couldn't I recognize him? Well, why would I? He isn't someone important to me. But why is he looking at me? Can't he do his work and get out of here? He is just ruining my mood. Why has zain didn't come yet?


Who's that now? My focus moves towards my phone and it's the text. Text from zain...

Zain: Alessia. I won't be able to make it early. Please don't wait for me.

Zain: It will rain soon. Go home don't be soaked in the rain or you will catch cold.

Alessia: Ah! So you are busy. No problem.

Zain: sorry Alessia! I know you must have been waiting for me.

Alessia: Nah! It's fine. I wasn't waiting for a long time anyways.
Well, I was but it's fine until or unless it's for you.

Zain: oh ok! Bye, take care.

Alessia: You too, Bye.


Well now I'm alone here and I don't wanna go home but I don't wanna face that jerk Eric either. What should I do? I'm not going anywhere I will sit here and drink the tea I've ordered and will spend some time in such a peaceful weather with myself. Self-time is important too and I'm enough for myself. I should ignore that Eric was ever here.

While I got busy writing my Novel. Eric came and sit in front of me, at first I didn't notice that someone is sitting there and staring at me until I feel his gaze on me when I went to pick up my cup of tea and it was the time when I was taking the sip of my tea and I saw him staring at me. The tea spilled from my cup onto my hands and he immediately stands up from his place and rush clean my hand with tissues and took me to the washroom to wash my hand with cold water so they won't burn much. It's hard to believe that he without waiting for a second drag me to the female restroom without even realizing that he was also in the female restroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice. Did I just say softly?? How's it possible?

"Yeah I'm fine" I answered in a low tone.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." He says.

"So you did mean to scare me but not just like that right?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes! I mean No, no, no I don't want to scare you.....

Laughter's come from the surroundings and its the first time that he realized that he is standing in the female washroom and everyone is staring at him. Some women were admiring him for his looks, some were admiring him for taking care of his girlfriend which they assumed is me. I don't understand why people judge two opposite genders to have a relationship if they are together. I mean can't they be strangers? Or friends? Or might be cousins or can also be siblings or might be like us two enemies who unexpectedly meet in a cafe.


The moment he realized that the place he is standing is full of females he run from there and I started laughing so hard. I left there to sit in my place where I was before and he was already sitting there. I came out laughing and went to my place trying to stop my laughter but after looking at his face I burst into laughter again.

"Funny huh!" He said

"Too funny," I replied while laughing again.

"Enjoy it, Darlin, till you can. You won't be enjoying being partners with me later." He said while smirking at me.

"Don't call me darling, I'm not your so-called darling like other chicks you must have and I won't be."

"At a time I only keep 5 chicks I mean girlfriends with me, but right now I only have one and I don't want more than one because you are equal to more than ten I might never have at a time"

"Do I look like a chick to you? And when did I become your girlfriend?"

"Just now, in the ladies' room. Everyone was calling you my girlfriend. Aren't they?"

"They were just assuming things it doesn't mean I will ever going to be your girlfriend."

"Why are you playing hard to get? You won't find a guy like me ever in your life."

"Huh! Well, you are right. There is only one freak, jerk, an idiot like you in this whole world in whom I'm not interested at all."


A waiter brings tea for us.

"I didn't ordered tea again," I said to the waiter

"I did," Eric said.

"Thank you, you can go." He said to the waiter. Is he pretending to be like this with waiter or is he really good to other people like that? I don't know what he is. He just seems like a mystery to me which is hard to resolve.


It started raining. Ahhh! It looks so beautiful to sit in a cafe and watch the rain while drinking tea. But only if we minus Eric from here and add a Novel to read. Perfect match for the rain at end of August.

"So, you said you don't wanna date me. Right?" He asked

"Yes, you heard right."

"You will regret it, remember my words"

"I won't."

"You will. Be present-minded while choosing your future husband."

"I don't need your advice. I know what's better for me more than you."

"Best of luck! My pretty Brave Darling." He said in a loud voice that every person in the cafe heard it. And then everyone started to praise him as a loyal and loving boyfriend.

I hate everyone. Why are they thinking he is my boyfriend I mean just why?


He almost goes out of the cafe but then suddenly he comes back with an umbrella in his hands.

Oh silly me! It's raining outside and I don't have an umbrella. Zain told me to go home or I will be soaked in the rain. Why didn't I listen to him?

"Take this," Eric said while giving his umbrella to me.

I stare at him with a strange look. He was soaking even after he had an umbrella in his hand.

"I noticed that you don't have an umbrella so I bring one for you." He said

WTF is he doing right now? Is he crazy? He gets soaked in the rain just to bring me an umbrella from a store.

"What about you? Do you have an umbrella for yourself?"

"I don't need an umbrella. I have my car."

"Are you crazy? Did you just go to buy an umbrella for me?"

"Nah! I went to buy an umbrella for my girlfriend, Darling. I don't want my girlfriend to catch a cold from getting soaked in the rain."

"I'm not your girlfriend & if you will call me darling again then I will go home without using an umbrella."

"Ok darling, I won't call you darling again don't get a fever we have to work on our project as well."

"Ok fine, thank you."

I took the umbrella from his hand and went out of the cafe without looking back at him. I wouldn't have taken his umbrella if the rain wasn't that heavy. I do love rain and walking under the rain but only if the rain is at an average pace.


I entered in my apartment and sat on my bed. My heart was beating fast as i walk so quickly so he won't be able to see me.

I was waiting for days to receive an email from My guardian angel but he didn't replied till yet. What if he didn't liked his name or what if he thinks I'm cringe or what if......

Door bell Rings>>>>>>

Who is it now? I went to open my door and there was no one on the door. I was closing my door and suddenly my eyes goes to the little bag on the floor. I wonder what's in this bag. I picked up that bag and open it. It's ointments to put on the burn places of your skin. Who sent me this? No one knows about my hand burn except Eric. Who it might be? Or is it sent by EEE..E. E. Eric.....

And then i hear the voice of the car going from behind and it was his car, that's how i get the prove that it was him. It's hard to believe he sent me something to put on my hand. But maybe it's not that hard to believe as he wants me to be his chick, i mean his so called girlfriend. I close the door and took the cream from the bag to put on my hand.

Oh there's a piece of paper too. Let's see what he wrote now.


My pretty Girlfriend,

Ok!ok! I know you just called me idiot jerk so let it be my future girlfriend.

Don't forget to put the cream twice a day atleast for a week. Ok Darling.

Love from,

Your future boyfriend, Eric."

Haha! What the hell he wrote. First line made me irritated second line made me laugh, third line made me less hate him but the word darling reminded me that it's a part of his flirting and the last line is his fantasy which is never going to be real. He is quite unique, i think there's really no one like him who's an idiot, jerk, funny, flirty, womenizer, sick, silly, in this whole world. I don't know what else he is, a bully, might be a murderer as well, play boy, might be abuser as well.

The thought of me being his girlfriend makes me shiver. Why would i ever date a bully, abuser, womenizer? I have never dated even once in my life and he thinks i would date him an will become his 50th girlfriend? Do he thinks I'm crazy?

Why am I think about him? I hate him. Whatever he is but thank God atleast he bought me an ointment or i would have been crying over this burn pain.

I sat on my bed to relax and to put that ointment on my hand.

Knock! Knock!

Ring>>>> Ring>>>>

Someone's on my door again:⁠-⁠| what if it's him again. It must be him again to ruin my peace.

Why God? Why? Why can't i sit peacefully?

"What do you want now?" I shouted and opened the door and it wasn't Eric. It's Alex.

"Who want what?" Alex asked in confusion.

"No one, I'm Just saying it."

"Are you sure Alessia? Is someone irritating you?" He asked again

"No,Alex it's not like that. There were just kids who wanted me to read a story for them."

"Oh ok! You're quite famous huh! Good for you."

"Yeah yeah I'm" i said proudly

His eyes goes to my hand and he....

"What happened to you hand Alessia?" He asked me in a worried voice before even i ended my thoughts of him asking me this question.

"It's nothing just a little burn."

"But how? What were you doing?"

"Tea spilled on my hand i was busy writing my novel but didn't notice the tea was still hot and it just split on my hand but it's didn't got burn much. I've washed it with cold water right after it got spilled." I explained to him and offcourse lied to him so he won't get worried much and I'm sure if he knew about Eric he would have gone to kill him.

"Why didn't you put anything on your hand till now? Should i buy you burn cream."

"No i already have it. I was just going to put it on my hand and then you knocked on the door"

"Ah alright, let me put it on your hand."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm,"


I gave him ointment and he started putting it on my hand.

"Ouch! It's hurting."

"Sorry, but you have to bear a little pain to recover yout hand as soon as possible."

He tried to put it as gently as he can but it was still hurting me. Jerk Eric always create problems for me.

"If you wouldn't have washed it on time, it must have hurt more" Alex said.

"Yeah i know,thank God i did." I replied

Well to be honest it didn't even came in my mind to go and wash my hand right after it got burned. I wouldn't have washed it if Eric didn't grab my hand and washed it. The only thing he did was help me get the less pain but he is also the one who gave me pain. Only if he weren't staring at me i wouldn't have burned my hand. His deep dark eyes always hunt me like an arrow, but still it was also mine mistake I wasn't myself at that time either.

"It's done, you will be fine soon just don't do much work, don't use your hands to write anything or to use mobile phone, ok?"

"Ok, but I can't live without writing Alex, you know that."

"You should think about it before burning your hand. Now just listen to me."

I was going to debate more with him but suddenly he get closer to me and keep his finger on my mouth. I was half layed on my bed because of him being too close.

"No more words, understood" he said softly.

I noded and he started looking into my eyes his eyes are shining, it's light brown and were looking so beautiful. It's the First time I've ever seen his eyes too closely. He was silent i felt his heart beating faster and i wonder if my heart if beating faster because of him being closer or the fact that this idiot looks handsome as well. His one hand was holding my burn hand carefully and the other hand of him was on my mouth giving me goosebumps.

I moved myself a little and tried to take my burn hand from his hand. His eyes which were continuously looking into my eyes goes distracted and then suddenly he pulls back. I feel like a pervert. Why am i admiring the people i never admire? What's wrong with me? Am i really become sick of being single that a person like eric also seems interesting to me? Well it can never happened it was just i didn't say his face otherwise i wouldn't have ever praise his beauty and now Alex, he's like a brother to me why am i praising him. Wait just shut the hell up Alessia it's not you it's just your inner devil. Just keep calm Alessia.

I stand up from my bed and turned towards Alex.

"Go away Alex. I wanna have some rest." I told him while pointing at the door.

"Oh yeah, sorry! You should rest now. Take care Alessia. And call me if you ever need any kind of help don't do any stuff with your this hand remember it." Alex said

"Ok sir, now can you get out if here please." I said sarcastically..

"Yeah going, just don't keep thinking about me. I know I'm too Charming but your mind should rest now."

"Shup up Alex. Get lost." I push him towards the door and he opened it for going out i immediately went to close it...

"Don't use your hand i repeat don't otherwise it won't be good for you ;⁠)"

"Just go Alex." I shut the door on his face.

Ahhh! Finally got some time to think about myself. Why the hell Alex was threatening me? Well he can't even shout at me otherwise he would be dead he knows that pretty well. ୧⁠|⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠﹏⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠|⁠୨


"I haven't heard anything from that hidden sender of emails for a month now, and I miss him. But why do I want him to write me something? Have I fallen for him? No, that can't be right. Me, falling in love with someone I haven't even seen or know the name of? It's impossible. What if he's not a good person and just playing with me? What if he's doing this on purpose? What if...

"Ping!" My laptop notifies me of a new email."

Who's that email from? Is it from him? Did he just sent me an email?


"My beautiful Alessia,

First of all, I am sorry for not replying to you for a month. I have been quite busy, and I couldn't find the time to write, but the truth is that I didn't even know what to write because I was devastated by the words you wrote. Your kindness and bravery have left me speechless. I don't know how to express the happiness I felt after reading the name you gave me. My heart couldn't take it, and I am still overwhelmed. You have an ocean of beautiful words, and you are rare to find. I have never seen such beauty in my life. The way you speak, the way you write, the way you argue is all so beautiful, like stars in the dark sky. You are like a moon to my dark sky who lights up my world with its beauty and shine. So precious yet so rare.
Alessia, how are you? I heard that you burned your hand. How is your hand now? Does it still hurt? You should see a doctor. I can make an appointment for you. Your hands are very important to you, and as a writer, they are the main source of your work. Please don't take it lightly. Don't write anything now. Focus on healing your hand and don't use it for a few days at least. If I find out that you have used it, I won't let you be alone. I will send an army of doctors, housekeepers, and bodyguards to take care of you, even though I know you hate being surrounded by many people
At the end, I just wanted to say take care, sweetheart. I don't want to lose such a beautiful soul in my life. Even if we have never met or will never meet, I would still want you to be safe. That's all I want in my life.
Bye-bye, sweetheart. I will miss you for a few days :'(

Your Guardian Angel🥀
© Soul🥀