

He Loved Him, And Couldn't Have Him
You, and your male best friend have been friends with each other for quite a long time. You say that you'd die for him, and he'd die for you. The more you guys spend time together the more you fall in love with him. He becomes the MOST perfect guy you've ever met. You lay in bed hoping that one day, everything will come true. You, and him together... forever. But you keep your feelings hidden away. Hidden inside you in the deepest spot og your heart. You want to tell him, but there's always a part of you that will always holds you back from telling him. Your mind, your nervousness, your insecurities. It over powers you by a million. It leads you to overthinking, stress, anxiety. It starts hurting, and days go by, then weeks, and even months have passed. You're yourself again, with all this confidence built inside you. You take a deep breath and tell yourself that you're ready to tell him how you've felt this whole time. Only, you didn't know.. that it was already, too late... He had already met the one, his 'only one', the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. And as you cry staring at his pictures, your heart shatteres into million pieces. And you know... she's perfect and, they're perfect together, "oh, what Angels", you think.... And you? you're feeling Empty. Unworthy, Powerless, you're Dying.