


© ☦️EYE☦️.

From: - I - M - L - Y -

On Tue, 27 , 2021 TO:VISION ÉX,

This is our first *message
.(to all humans & other beings)
people argue about time travel & extraterrestrials we noticed some vedios where people are subjecting And telling fake news about time travel. We're not telling which/which.94% of the whole world doesn't know more than one perspective of time.The other 6% knows about it.
Infact the whole world is a
cover up for the 12 dimensions.
Yes there is 12 dimensions on this universe in time & space.

Time is a 'word' created in earth . It is but a reflection of Your past,present & future which exist. Gravity can bend time but To create portals through dimensions we need one more factor.(cannot give more data)

We humans are only 3rd dimensional beings Now think of the 12th dmb(dimensional beings)

YES Time travel is possible yet a complex configure through the 12 Distinctive Dimensions of the universe .& Closely related to space WARP.(more data cannot be given)

Our evolution merely started from: 5-7 million years to this
relateveconsciousness and development. Think of the millions of solar systems and planets which holds intelligent life forms(they will come to earth around
/ 2028-35/.)(cannot give the specific date)full usage of resources in their planet is the case of their visit to resourceful planets. They are also 3rd dimensional beings we can see, touch and feel them.(refering a specific group ) 25 billion years (years which represent time)old civilization enabled them to evolve and to attain technologies, idealism and higher thinking. Although extraterrestrials or (aliens)Have influenced us since our existence started to thrive.

Our planet earth is only 4.9
billion years old .But human evolution was much faster than any other knowable species in the universe.
There was more human like species in our planet at the beginning They all perished Only the homosapiens (humans) have survived this far and was helped
technologically, ideally & spiritually by the et.(aliens)
Many beings have visited earth for
millennia.Some of them where beyond our imagination.
Including 7th dmb(dimensional beings) and higher life forms (12 th).whom cannot be seen by our naked eyes.
Time travel has been conducted with several people whom selected through tough Validation of both mental & physical qualifications.we did not laboured the subject to participate .They have participated according to their full willingness.
Time's course can be corrected for a person's past & future .But it is strictly forbidden because it will reflect elsewhere in his /her life . We have Access to both past & future
we have different ways to control the time jumpers if they break the laws. cutting off the subject in that certain time he/she had been sent to if they violate rules .(cut of person will remain in that time till death.) (Hard case or causing more kinds of problems will be memory wiped) All rules and regulations will be given to the subject before sending them.We are sending people to collect data of our planets history and future not to intervene or cause dissemination of any kinds & never to speak what they know about us and TIME TRAVELL.

YES in the year
2028-2035(cannot give exact time)
time travel will be disclosed to every body on earth.It will remain known but you cannot come and just visit the past & the future.
People will be selected(as mentioned in the para above).no one can access it through politics & money.Facility will remain open to all people and can go on the journy if you can pass the mental & physical test.

AND YES WE know that we have a serious matter going on in the present . which cannot be altered because it was caused by human Arrogance and ego.
'Fight for power will always remain in us as long as we exist.'
no manmade cause can be altered. If we try it : it can cause a reflection elsewhere in the human existence.This cause will stay with our life for 4-5 years (cannot give specific time)and still bounds back in some Places(cannot give more data)
All actions done by power currupted people will end in the death of millions of innocent people.

There will be no follow up regarding this article .we hope that you can get the ideas into every one who seeks some glimpses
Of the future & Past and to know about extraterrestrial life forms .

(The message is in present and from present .Include (μυστικό )data and codes.(cannot give more data)


nothing in the above article is edited or writed upon by any one other than the auther.
its truly the readers choice to believe & not to
- I - M - L - Y -
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