

The man of the night!
When you live in despair and the only way out is putting a gun to your head and pull the trigger. A man will come, a man with a solution for all the pain your having.

But also a man who stops everything and let you die in the meantime. At least you don't feel pain at all. Nobody who has encountered this man can live to tell how he looks cause nobody has survived the touch of death..

It starts with the present what unfolds to the future and then comes the past. The past what haunts even the strongest of mind. The things you've done become a hard thing to handle or even overcome.

That's how it started for Charles and it still is that damn hassle for him to just be free of his past. Everyone tells a better story but it's him who have done those things. It's him who hurt and killed those innocent people.

The blood, he still sees their blood on his hands!
The screams, he still hears the children scream!
The cries, he still hears the woman cry!

Things ain't looking up for him, not at all. He suffers from P.T.S.D for his own stupid and bloody mistakes. Just because someone said he had to do it. Someone invisible in his head! He hears him even now while sitting in his jail cell waiting to be fed.

And while the other inmates do their best to party and making the best of their time, he's just sitting in the corner of the cell silently waiting to be fed. They all fear him, he's got something dark and wicked over him. They all know he's a cold blooded killer, they can see it in the dead glance in his eyes. And while the warden brings him his highly anticipated last meal, before going to die because of a lethal injection.

He's had a good run, and his food taste even better then he could ever imagine. His food taste so good that he doesn't want to die, not yet. First there's someone in here who needs to meet his maker! Someone who has taunted him long enough and has to die!

"Don't defy the best, or you might regret it!" That were his words and defying is something Charles is very good at! Especially the best, because defeating the best is what he did his entire life and he isn't going to stop!

Then comes the air time, and he's looking for him, but Jade Skull is nowhere to be seen. Jade Skull seems to be a sissy when it comes to a fight. And while he's in shackles, he was looking forward to this particular fight!

When the air time is almost over, and while his past overcomes him yet again, he pushes trough all the inmates in the way to small corridor to get back to his cell and sit silently in the corner again. Just to be stabbed in his back by the great Jade Skull who has waited for him to get back. The inmates all shout and riot and that's the way how he likes it.

He stands up and walkes towards Jade Skull with blood dripping from his wounds, Jade Skull tries to stab him again and again but he failes everytime until Charles stands behind him and chokes the life out of him with his shackles. Again he defyed the best, and again he's the winner.

After that a sweet calm feeling gets the best of him and he walks to his serene calm cell, to see someone standing in the middle of the room. Someone he never saw before. A man with pich black holes in his skull where eyes used to be. A man dressed entirely in black shadows who dance around him. He poins his finger to Charles and reaches out his hand. Charles who is sceptic don't weigh heavy to the warnings his mind is giving him. He's going to die anyway, but when he touches the mans hand he's blasted away from the jailhouse to end up somewhere in a forest fire.

The man laughs and disappears while the flames slowly get the best of Charles. In his dying breath he saw everything and everyone he ever hurt and apologized for the first time in his life. He can't bring them back with apologizing, but he can show the devil that he has remorse for what he has done!

The last thing he hears are the warnings of his family while he finally dies in a life to damn hard to handle:

When you live in despair and the only way out is putting a gun to your head and pull the trigger. A man will come, a man with a solution for all the pain your having.

But also a man who stops everything and let you die in the meantime. At least you don't feel pain at all. Nobody who has encountered this man can live to tell how he looks cause nobody has survived the touch of death..

© B.J Starink