

dear no one
Dear No One,
I guess im writing you this letter because it seems that you are all I have anymore. A lot of whats about to come could have been prevented if only they could have admitted they was wrong when they knew they was wrong instead of putting all the blame on me. if only they could have stopped with making me feel worthless and not good enough if only they could have stopped bringing up the past. you know its real hard to change and move on from the past when you are being held hostage there by the ones you love and claim to love you. No matter how hard you try they just keep taking you back to the place you try so hard to stay away from. yes I have hurt people i have hurt ones i cared about but they dont see that it was out of hurt it was out of them hurting me first. is it Okay? no not at all but im only human and i let my emotions and anger get the best of me. so I guess it is what it is and will be what it will be. just know i tried i tried my hardest and it still wasnt good enough and for that im sorry.