All I want is Sleep
I don't know how many of you have Insomnia like I do, but if you do then you know how much it sucks! I do anything to get rid of my Chronic Insomia, it's the one Disablity out of all my disabilities that I wish I didn't have. My Chronic Insomnia has caused me more than good and has definitely abused my body. It's also possible that my Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder made the insomnia worse than it would have been had I not gotten Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(for those of you who don't know what Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is, or what's the difference between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder then no futher. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or CPTSD for short is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but for children and adolescents and maybe even young adults, but usually referred to children. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is for adults, possibly 18 and up or older). But I did, unfortunately, and for years every night(sometimes during the day too) I'd be triggered, to the point where I can't fall alseep. Every creek, noise, carlight or sudden sounds would keep me up at night. These noise and light put me in a state of consistant fear(trigger warning) fear of getting attacked while sleeping and being beheaded, fear of being sexual assaulted again, of a shadow figure coming toward me and doing thee unthinkable. Then there the Night Terrors, The Dreams, that my worse fears of the night and makes them a reality. This is why I have to sleep under the covers and have my whole body covered with a blanket(Yes, it makes the summers unbearable, but for fear of my life I don't have much of a choice). So, after awhile my body, I guessed, was trained and got used to the restless nights. The nights would be so bad that I slept in my patent's until eleven or twelve then I had to sleep on my own (I get it, I was getting too old,but you don't understand the nights are like re-playing the same horror movie over and over again). The transition from sleeping with my parents for a sense of protection was not easy. At first, had to...