

Savage Love
There she was standing alone on a bridge in the middle of the night.She was looking over the bridge as the water flowed calmly underneath.
nick a 24 yr old man who lived in the town, had heard so many stories about her, Elizabeth White.The girl who went out with every single guy and left them heartbroken and broke.Nick never thought he would run into the famous heartbreaker on his midnight stroll.
"what are you staring at" asked Elizabeth annoyed as she caught Nick glaring at her. "ahhhhh nothing" he replied nervously as he tried to walk away.
"hey" called Elizabeth to nick,
(nick then stopped in his tracks)
"can I have a cigarette" she asked
nick reached into his pocket to check, there he found a full pack of cigar.
(holding up the pack of cigar) nick replied, "I'll give you the hold pack, if you tell me one thing.......why do you play with guys feelings like that?"
(Elizabeth smiled and looked away)
"you mean giving them savage love" she answered
nick was puzzled, he had no idea what "savage love" meant, as he was about to ask , she began a storie
"you see" she began "I wasn't always like this....I once loved hard, I did everything for the man I loved and in the end, I found out he only wanted to use me for my body, just like every other guy.So I decided to use every single men so they could feel how it feels to be used.used, that's savage love....to make them think I love them but it's only use"
nick finally understood. Elizabeth was this way because someone broke her heart and so she didn't believe in love anymore.
(Elizabeth then reaches for the pack of cigarette but Nick yanked it back)
"there's one more thing I need you to do for me" he said
"and what is that" she replied
"Go out with me and I'll show you what real love feels like"
Elizabeth glared just at him,She wanted to tell him to kiss her ass but he gave her a good vybz which made her want to say yes also.
(nick then reached out his hands to her)
after a minute of battling weather to say "yes or no" she finally made her decision
She reached out her hands and held his.
2 yes after, Elizabeth and nick were married and had two children. She never Savage loved again.
Sometimes in life the people you care about the most are the one's who care about you the less.Don't make them turn you into a horrible person, you keep shinning your light and keep moving toward and trust God that all will work out in the end.