

Who See's all.
woke up check the mirror and couldn't see me,
finally I thought in this crazy world I'm free,
I went out and climbed the tallest tree,
I went on a bank robbing spree,
after all I thought no one can see.
time for me to do me.

maybe I should have thought about saving people,
we're gone and prayed to God at the steeple,
because that night I died,
to my body I said goodbye.

I went up to the clouds and stood in a line,
thinking well now I've got nothing but time,
all the while thinking about my crime,
too late for me to whine.

next thing I know I'm face to face with God,
he said I wish I could applaud,
but when you prayed to me you were a fraud,
you didn't stay with me you loved abroad.

you were given a gift for a day,
and all you did was try to make your own way,
you could have been my hands working miracles,
showing people that God is still mystical.

good thing I sent my angel behind you,
to make right what you left blue,
I did this because I love you.
and I forgive you.

I broke down in tears because I let him down,
I felt worse than a half painted clown,
I asked him if there was any way I could turn it around,
then I woke up falling from my bed to hit the ground.

thank God it was only a dream,
I didn't believe in God but how real that seemed,
it was time to stop being mean,
and give my life to the one and only King.

that day I prayed that Jesus would forgive me,
and give me the eyes to see,
what people try to hide everyday,
the pain of living life the wrong way.

now that I am a messenger for God,
I walk happy finding my feet on the sod,
I'm happy in heat I'm happy in the cold,
because I know that my God is bold.
I also know how much he loves us,
he would throw you out of the way of the bus.
as a matter of fact he did.
when he gave us his only kid.
that man bled and wept for 3 days,
saying Lord forgive them and help them change their ways.
he died and suffered just for you.
maybe you should look at him and say thank you.
forget what you've been through and thank God for your blessings,
before you know it he could take all the dressings.
god give andGod taketh away,
or on my phone I think that's all I have to say.
except be careful what you wish for,
God's watching and he's keeping score.
© Abstraktkonsiousness