

Procrastination won't pay the bills you better start doing what you are supposed to do

Procrastination is same as " not a priority /not important "people who procrastinates don't usually take serious things seriously, they make excuses for every little thing.
Most people mistake procrastination for laziness,but is that really laziness? I don't think so!!! Procrastination is simply the lack of self confidence associated with completing a task.procastinator always use lack of time as an excuse.
When you have something in mind to do,maybe to learn a skill,venture into a business,reading a book, do not wait...beacause waiting is what feeds procastinaion,do it today and right now, dont leave it for tomorrow beacause you will be busy with other things.
Honestly,there is really no such thing as procrastination, if it is very important to you,you won't make excuses but do it. The emphasis here is "PRIORITY
Procrastination is delaying yourself to do the things you should do now!!! later...when you procastinate you waste time that could have been invested in something meaningful.
There are different ways to deafeat procrastination but I expelled mine through this ways.
----set your "PRIORITIES"straight...this will help you know what you want and were you are heading to.
-----you should have a list of goals you want to achieve each day,ranging from the most important to the less important.
-----build Yourself(self development)
Try and delete procrastination from your life you will wonder how all your goals will be achieved.