



The two continued sitting in silence until Maya finally spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell me Gia? How long have we been friends?  Do you know how much this hurts?  All those times I saw you two . The weird conversations,  the uncountable coincidences.  Don't you trust me? "

At this point, Maya was a second away from sobbing uncontrollably.  It was not because Gia had failed to trust her . No , it was because she had always suspected that Gia was involved with Carlos , but she couldn't bring herself to confront Gia because  she was afraid of pushing her away .

The truth is Carlos had always terrified Maya. Not because of his looks or anything,  Maya had sensed a dark aura around him since the day she first saw him, and she couldn't  shake it off.

She just felt miserable because she felt she had in a way failed to protect Gia.

"Maya, look , I know you can't possibly understand me but I really had no choice .  We signed an agreement,  and I was forced not to speak about our relationship and in return,  he would make....he ..he would make  Bastian pay for what he did to you . "

Maya suddenly stood up. Obviously stunned by what Gia just said . She started to remember everything her ex husband did to her .

Sebastian and Maya had been together since high school.  They were literally every ones dream couple.  Sebastian was sweet.  He was thoughtful and kind . He was everything all the girls in school wished for .

They all longed for their boyfriend's to treat them they way Sebastian treated Maya . Little did they know, that Maya's happy days with Sebastian were numbered. 

Immediately after graduating,  Maya and Sebastian got married,  against the wishes of their families of course , regardless,  the two believed love could triumph over everything. 

Apparently,  Sebastian  had been saving money for a coach-built Hymer motor home,  where they would live after getting married since both their families disapproved. 

It was all perfect . Maya felt that they were just starting humbly and that someday, things would get better. 

They got married with Gia as they're witness and a judge of seal their marriage.  It was everything Maya could wish for . Getting married to the love of her life with her best friend by her side . She couldn't wait to give herself to him .

Maya had always thought it was noble of Sebastian to respect that she wanted to keep her virginity till marriage.  And now , more than ever , she was more than willing to give herself to him . As his wife and companion for the rest of their lives .

She had always fantasised about how making  love with Sebastian would feel like , and was going to feel it all in a little while . She didn't expect what was coming  next.

Bastian  , as she passionately called him, gently opened the door to their new home and carried her bride-style to the bed . He carefully placed her down and locked the doors .

Maya could feel her pulse quickien.  This was it , she couldn't  wait .
He took a step closer and passionately kissed her , she responded to his kisses and desperately yearned for me .

He took his time undressing his bride and then proceeding to undress himself.  Maya was stunned at the sight before her , he was stunning .

Sebastian however,  was not at all impressed with Maya's body . As a matter of fact , he had never been impressed  by any woman's body.  His tastes,  were a bit different. 

He had married Maya because he liked her composure and attitude. Maya was like no girl he had ever had and she might just be the missing flavour he needed.

He rushed again to Maya's lips and kissed her furiously,  then, retreating,  making her yearn for more. He leaned foward again,  and this time, he bit her lip. She let out a little whimper and he loved it .

Maya enjoyed the pleasure and pain . She didn't know this was just the beginning. 

He traced his hands down her chest, drawing imaginary lines on her body which made her quiver and tingle with excitement from within.  He then grabbed her breasts and gently sucked on them one after the other .

Maya loved everything he was doing.  And she moved her body and moaned to his every action.  She wanted more , she could already feel herself getting moist down there .

He knew she wanted more and he gave it to her . He bit on her nipples one at a time and everytime, she gave a sharp gasp.

"This is just the beginning Maya , tell me you want more "

He said in between the kisses he placed on her stomach. 

"I do ...I do...I uuh....I want more....ba...Bastian...I want more "

Maya managed to say amidst moans and occasional gasps .  And Sebastian obeyed .  He gently parted her legs and kissed the lips between her legs . Maya jerked her body in response and he loved it .

He gently placed his hands on her clitoris rubbed it . She rocked her body according to the rhythm he was creating.  Then  like a hungry beast , he buried his face between her legs and he worked magic with his tongue and lips . Carefully stroking with his tongue,  sticking it in and out of her,  occasionally slipping his fingers through her , he could tell she was enjoying this and she stilled wanted more .

In the world of screams and moans, Maya was lost . She was beginning to climax when Sebastian suddenly stopped and moved away from her .

"What's wrong my love?  Why'd you stop? I want more Sebastian ".
She coyly pleaded .

"You want more Maya? Do you?"

Maya nodded in desperation.  A few seconds later , she wished she hadn't. 

"As you wish. "

Sebastian said and moved to  the door , he opened it and let two other men in . They were all wearing masks. 

Maya was horrified.  She was completely lost .  Before she could ask Sebastian what all this was , he came to her side and smacked her across her face .  She screamed in terror and pain .

"What.....what  is this Sebastian? "

Maya asked amidst sobs .

"You want more bitch? Fucking whore, you want more? Well,  your wish is my Fucking command. "

What Maya had thought would be a perfect night to remember went awfully wrong as Sebastian and his friends rushed towards her and hitting her for no reason in particular,  they called her all sorts of nasty names and that wasn't the worst part .

The masked men undressed while Sebastian,  turned her over and tied her to the bed . All she could do was cry and beg for this to end . ...like he cared  .

When the masked men finished undressing,  they stood and kissed each other and Sebastian made her watch. Then, he joined the two and she watched in horror as one kissed Sebastian and the other went down to suck his dick . She felt like throwing up. 

As if all this wasn't enough,  Sebastian took a seat and told the masked men to do whatever they wanted with her. As if to break her soul and add a bonus to the masked men, he told them she was a virgin.

Maya buried her face in the pillow and begun to cry because she knew how it would  end .  The two men rushed to her and took advantage of her condition.   They took turns in Fucking her and Sebastian just watched and he masurbated to it. 

They would occasionally spit on her , slap her and call her awful names .
And just when she thought it was over , one man went to Sebastian's side and Sebastian got up from his chair and made the man bend towards him doggy style.  And as the other masked man continued his assault on Maya who couldn't not even feel a thing now , he made he made her watch how Sebastian passionately dominated and fucked the other guy and they both climaxed with a deafening roar.
The one assaulting Maya followed too as he came all over her and spat on her again.  After everything,  Maya passed out and she woke up the next day, replaying everything and crying. 

She wanted to make an escape for it but then realised she had been chained to the bed . 

That day, she didn't speak or even dare to look at Sebastian.  And when he brought her food , she didn't dare to fight it . After feeding her,  he led her to the bathroom in chains and he gave her a shower .  And in the evening,  his friends came and Maya received the same fate again,  this time,  they didn't beat her up .

This tradition continued for months . At first Maya used to fight it , but as time went on , she grew numb to the assault and let them do whatever they wanted without as much as a whimper.

When Sebastian saw that Maya had stopped fighting them , he allowed her to move around freely,  but still in chains .

That was his mistake and Maya's fortune.  He thought he had broken Maya's spirit,  but Maya had been planning this for a long time . She played along to get on his good side and it was paying off .

One afternoon when Sebastian was out , Maya went for a bottle of pills Sebastian had been taking to help him fall asleep.  Then she flushed them down the toilet and washed herself with very cold water . She did this 5 minutes before Sebastian came home.

She knew his routine.  Then 2 minutes before he would open the door, she stuffed her face dried oats and , red ink and bad milk to sell the act. She poured some dried oat in her mouth too and mixed it with ink to make it seem like she was really suffering from am overdose.  Then she purposely dropped the bottle 2 feet away from her body.   With this, Sebastian would have no choice than to send her to the hospital or try to dump her body and she would take advantage of that to escape .

Sebastian entered and was hit with a terrible smell and saw Maya lying down, foaming at the mouth with a mixture of blood....she was still staggering.  He was about to get close when he kicked something,  he picked the bottled up and realised that Maya had over dosed .

As of he didn't have a soul , he coldy spat on Maya who was staggering and making whooping sounds on the floor. 

"I would have killed you anyway. My friends were getting addicted to your body and I hate that. Thanks for doing me the favour "

He said . Then he searched for the keys and started the motor-home.  Maya couldn't help but feel over joyed . She kept up the act for about and hour and the stopped . By then , the vehicle had come to a stop . Her body temperature was back to normal,  but as she expected,  Sebastian didn't want to leave any prints so he had put on mittens which he would burn afterwards, thanks to the mittens,  he wouldn't know Maya had been acting all this time. 

He carefully pulled Maya out of the vehicle and tossed her under the bridge into the nearby lake .

Classic Sebastian.  Maya thought. She held her position under the water till she heard the vehicle taking off ....and she finally came out for a breath of fresh air which she had long be craving for .

And that's how she got away from her crazy husband.  She went looking for Gia as soon as she could and she narrated everything and for her safety,  she had been living with Gia ever since .


Gia quietly made her way over to Maya and hugged her . Maya was clearly breaking at this point. 

"I'm sorry Maya. I just couldn't tell you . I tried so many times , but I held back everytime,  under the fear that he wouldn't go through with his promise . And when he finally did , it was even more impossible to tell you . "

Maya wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.  But she asked anyway. 

"What did he do to Sebastian? "

She pulled away and asked. 

"He killed him Maya"

"How Gia?  Tell me ."

"He had him kidnapped and beaten.  And he tortured him by chopping off his fingers once a day, till there was no more and he fed them to his dogs and made Sebastian watch. And then, he drowned him in a tank full of acid . I don't know how he got rid of the body."

Maya was beyond horrified . She stood there looking at Gia who looked like she was about to hang herself and she finally understood why , Gia never spoke about Carlos.  Maya also understood why she had always been terrified of Carlos since the day she saw him . He has danger written all over him..




© The-labyrinth-within