

Blind love S1 E1
Casey was sitting down in a family's house hoping to apply for a job as a babysitter when a cute boy her age walks up to her."Hi am John "the boy says ."Oh ,am Casey .Am sure u must have read my application online .I don't babysit people my age ya know"Casey says .Dont mind me you won't......"when a woman rudely cuts in "John,don't talk to that ....thing "the woman says"mum that was harsh"John says"am sorry but she isn't friend appropriate "the woman says .Casey then says"Actually,am not his friend am the girl who applied for a job as a babysitter".....the woman then says"You are the one that's gonna babysit my daughter? ."Yes"Casey says.
"Mum don't be mean,you've said this to literally the last 20 girls that came here to apply for a job"John says."Well fine . Anyways I got a photoshoot to get too and John....give her the rule book regarding Natasha" the woman leaves the house.

"Am sorry about my mum's behavior"John says ."yh she was a lil harsh "Casey says "That's how she always is "John says .That's when a girl looking about 10years walks down the stairs wearing clothes that could probably pay of Casey's house bill.
"John ,wheres mum"she say while using her phone ."She went for her photoshoot and besides did u forget that you are meeting with your new babysitter today?".John says."I don't wanna a babysitter.......who's that she looks like she needs a makeover and maybe plastic surgery"the girl says ."She's your babysitter"John says ."No no and did mum approve of this?"the girl asks "Kinda anyways am going out with Lailani so be good bye Casey see you later"He waves Casey and leaves the house.

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this episode.I wanted the story to be Casey's diary but the. I got this new idea and it was lit so I changed it cause when I grow older am planning on turning this to a real book and a movie like"pretty little liars"do u guys know it. Hope you like it .Please comment and like .Loves and kisses and please stay safe

© queenie